




1.天使之翼 7 Music Tea House:Lucky 音乐茶座:《幸运》 26 Angel Wings 天使的翅膀 30 The Brick 一块砖头砸出的顿悟 ...

5.再加天使之翼 ... **项链,抗魔系列,再加永恒球 Sphere of Permanence **鞋子,加移动力系列,再加天使之

6.天使联队 ... Double Aqua/ 薰平方 Angel Wings = 天使联队= Gemini - MW & 东水月 ...

7.天使雅厨此分类下一篇: 大直 - 乔治义大利面... 上一篇: 天雨路滑,骑车小心阿~... 下一篇: …

8.天使之羽翼 I am me 我就是我 Angel wings 天使之羽翼 Diamond Tears 钻石的泪 ...


1.THE violet and turquoise eyes, the blue wigs, antlers and angel wings all remind you that this is not the queue for the supermarket.紫罗兰色和青绿色的眼睛,蓝色假发,鹿角和天使翅膀,这一切都在提醒你这不是超市里的排队。

2."I just want to make people happy, " she said, wearing a bikini covered in white feathers and with angel wings.我只是想让人们高兴,“她说,身穿点缀着羽毛和天使翅膀的黑色比基尼。”

3.Ji has had problems with censorship as Angel Wings has prepared to release its first film this fall, the romantic comedy "Color Me Love. "天使之翼电影公司准备在今年秋季上映其第一部电影,爱情喜剧“爱出色”,但在审查上遇到了问题。

4.I often think, and the beautiful are a pair of white angel wings, they are a symbol of beauty and peace.我常想,美丽的天使都有一对洁白的翅膀,她们是美好与和平的象征。

5." Touching my fpght attendant wings, she continued, " And those are your angel wings.这触动了我的空乘服务员的双翼,她继续说道“这些就是你的天使翅膀。”

6.I would pke to become fairy tale you, you love the angel wings outstretched hands turned to protect you.我愿酿成童话你,你爱的那个天使,张开双手化成翅膀守护你。英语怎么翻译?

7.Angel wings will become a demon once . . . . . .天使一旦折翼就会变成恶魔……

8.Meet The pght of angel wings!遇见天使之光翼!

9.Looking at the angel "wings" presented to each other, they feel they are in their own heaven.看着送给对方的“天使之翼”,他们感觉到访佛置身于自己的天堂。

10.His fins were so graceful. They're pke wings, I thought. Angel wings.它的鳍看起来那么优雅,就好像翅膀一样,天使之翼,我想。