





2.安努纳奇远在“地球时间”开始时,当安努纳奇(Annunaki),主要的“玩家”马度克、安努、安奇和安利尔,在准备初始化他们的创造物即这 …

3.安奴那奇据推论他们打赢安奴那奇(Annunaki)神族的方法可能就是用Xeno(异形生命开发物)(古代神话称这生物为Mushussu,可见於巴比 …

4.安奴纳奇族你将他们的家族向前追溯到贵族统治阶层,最终都会找到这些由蜥蜴人或安奴纳奇族(Annunaki)与人类结合后产生的后代。这次 …

5.阿努奇人    阿努奇人(Annunaki) 长的像西方所说典型的魔鬼样子。这个种族的平民    没有第三眼也没有角。

6.美七位安奴那奇苏美七位安奴那奇(Annunaki)主神中的马尔杜克(Marduk)用光了神的精华创造了异形(Mushussu)生命体,而被巴比伦壁画上他 …


1.The timing is known by no man, nor was it provided by the Annunaki, as the slow creep of Planet X past the Sun can encounter many obstacles.没有人知道极移的时刻,Annunaki人也没有提供任何信息,因为X星的缓慢爬过太阳将会遭遇到很多障碍。

2.The Annunaki were aware that the time of the passage was approaching, as they had vast experience with prior passages.安奴那奇人知道过境的时刻正在接近,因为他们从过去的过境中获得了很多的经验。

3.The Annunaki, even historically, as seen as walking taller than man, giants, with a face and head more long than round.甚至历史上,看起来行走时比人类还高大,巨人,脸和头部和圆形比起来更长一些。

4.The Annunaki have fascinated mankind, and are still a fascination as they are in human cultural memory - those giants who enslaved mankind.安鲁那奇人使人类着迷,因为他们存在于人类文化的记忆当中,现在仍然是具有魅力的东西----那些曾经奴役人类的巨人。

5.the Council decided to quarantine the Annunaki from Earth, so that emerging man could have a balanced environment.“世界委员会”决定将安努那奇人与地球隔离,这样新兴的人类就可能获得一个平衡的环境。

6.We said last week that these were symbols written by early man. Were the Annunaki early man?我们上周曾经说过,这些符号是早期的人类写出来的。难道安鲁那奇人会是早期的人类吗?

7.Iraq is the modern day Sumer, so there is a reason for featuring the Annunaki on their dollars, but what about the Swiss?伊拉克是现在的苏美尔,所以在其钞票上描绘安努那奇是有原因的。但瑞士呢?

8.Master of the ANNUNAKI, open the Gate to the Stars!安努纳奇之主,启此门向群星而开!