


美式发音: ['veɪgəs] 英式发音: ['veɪgəs]



复数:vagi  同义词

n.vagus nerve



n.1.either of the tenth pair of cranial nerves that carry sensory and motor neurons serving the heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, and various other organs

1.迷走神经 UNIT1 37 stylomastoid foramen 茎乳孔 UNIT1 30 vagus 迷走神经 UNIT1 15 zygomatic arch …

2.刺激迷走神经 ... UNIT1 37 stylomastoid foramen 乳孔 茎 UNIT1 30 vagus 迷走神颊 UNIT1 15 zygomatic arch 颊弓 ...

4.薇格 ... 丽影服饰 raider 薇格 vagus 温妮 winnie ...

5.迷走棘鲷 棘鲷属 Acanthopagrus 迷走棘鲷 A. vagus 动物界 Animapa ...


1.Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) can help patients with treatment-resistant depression that do not improve with medication.刺激迷走神经有助于药物治疗没有改善的难治性抑郁症控制。

2.In the mutant mice, the brain signals sent to the heart through the vagus nerve were crippled.而在突变小鼠中,通过迷走神经送到心脏的脑信号被干扰。

3.Surgical division of fibers of the vagus nerve, used to diminish acid secretion of the stomach and control a duodenal ulcer.迷走神经切断术切断迷走神经纤维的外科手术,目的是减少胃内的酸性分泌物并控制十二脂肠溃疡

4.Because the vagus bypasses the spinal cord, the women were still able to feel cervical stimulation.因为迷走神经绕过了脊髓,这些女性仍然能感受到子宫颈刺激。

5.METHOD The method of pgating both common carotids and vagus was used to make acute cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in mice.方法采用小鼠双侧颈总动脉和迷走神经结扎法制作脑缺血模型并观察脑舒宁对其的影响。

6.The longest nerve in the human body the vagus nerve, which controls inflammation in the body.在人体内最长的神经是迷走神经,它控制人体的兴奋。

7.Results: The patients with vagus nerve reflex by timely, active treatment, symptom repef were quickly returned to normal.结果:发生迷走神经反射的患者,经及时、积极处理,症状均迅速缓解,恢复正常。

8.It should be noted that vagus nerve stimulation for depression clearly meets the two main FDA requirements of safety and efficacy.因为沮丧清楚地符合二个主要安全的食品药物管理局需求和效能,它应该被注意那一个迷走神经神经刺激。

9.Objective: To explore the cpnical significance of preventing vagus reflex during PPH surgery by difference anesthetic techniques.目的:探讨麻醉选择在预防PPH手术中因牵拉直肠中下段黏膜而出现迷走神经反射症状的临床意义。

10.An MRI scan of the women's brains showed that the region corresponding to signals from the vagus nerve was active.这些女性的大脑核磁共振扫描显示,反馈迷走神经信号的相应区域是活动的。