




1.另一个你 ... 39。Send In The Clowns 发送的小丑 40。Another You,Another Me 另一个你,另一个我 42。Beautiful Drea…

2.你别骗我 better than I 比我对你更好的人 another you 另外一个你 05-Love come back 爱回来 ...

4.亲爱的你别骗我 马克贝恩 McBain 1991 搭档奇缘 Another You 1991 极速爆破 Timebomb 1991 ...

7.另外一面的你 ... and find... 而且发现... another you 另外一面的你(表里不一) Why don't we...? 为何不让我们...? ...

8.骗徒宝一对 ... 家有贵客糗事多 Houseguest 骗徒宝一对 Another You 淹死莫娜 Drowning Mona ...


1.To say I'd love to be another, you know, great American designer, I can't pe. This dress is actually one of our best sellers.那就是,我想成为另一个美国著名的设计师。我不会撒谎。这件裙子是我们最热卖的产品之一。

2.In one mood, you honor her sincerity, and in another, you think of her as a fraud.也就是说,你或者认为她是真诚的,或者认为她就是一个骗子。

3.The Pharisees then said to one another, You see that you are not doing anything worthwhile; behold, the world has gone after Him.于是法利赛人彼此说,看哪,你们是徒劳无益,你看世人都跟随他去了。

4.For example, if you hardly spend any time with one another, you might write, "I would pke to spend one evening a week alone with you. "譬如,假如你没有花时间陪对方,可以写:“我想每星期花一个晚上与你单独在一起。”

5.Without loving another, without knowing what it means to be completely in communion with one another, you cannot be in communion with truth.不懂得爱他人,不懂得互相完全一致,你就无法和真相取得一致。

6.In one way and another you have so much to look forward to, so we ask what are a few more years to you.因此在某种程度上,你们此刻的确是有有如此多的美好和壮丽的未来值得去期待,如同在这几年中我们所一直告知你们的。

7.To isolate the individual user-spaces from one another, you begin with the concept of a context.要将各个用户空间与其他用户空间隔离开来,就需要从上下文的概念入手。

8.Life is one fucking beauty contest after another. You know, school, then college, then work.生命就是一连串的选美比赛,入学,上大学,然后工作……

9.Ari. . . I'm trying to create another you. . . but I just can't.艾蕊,我在试着制造另一个你,可是我就是做不到。

10.If the gamble pays off, if the guests show up in a festive mood and hit it off with one another, you have a fabulous time.如果这场赌博划得来,宾客露面时如同过节一般欢喜,相互间一见如故,这场宴会将会是难以置信的好时光。