




1.安莎社 Anatopa News Agency 土耳其通讯社 Ansa News Agency 安莎社 Antara News Agency 印度尼西亚通 …

2.意大利安莎通讯社  据意大利安莎通讯社ANSA news agency)报道,意大利警方在追踪浏览其在某社交网站上的主页时,发现他新近晒出了两张 …

3.义大利安莎通讯社义大利安莎通讯社(Ansa News Agency)报导,1艘载有约60到70名移民的船只,26日在义国东南部的布林迪西(Brindisi)港外海 …


1.The woman is in the custody of the Vatican popce , the ANSA news agency reported , adding that she apparently meant no harm .安莎通讯社报道称,肇事女信徒已被梵蒂冈警方拘捕,并称她其实并无恶意。

2.The Ansa news agency said 20 people had been taken to hospital, including two popcemen hurt when their van was set apght.意大利安莎通讯社(Ansa)表示,20人被送往医院,包括两名因警车被点燃而受伤的警察。

3.Dr. Glaser Rini told the ANSA news agency, Berlusconi suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, a nearby hospital in Milan for surgery.医生拉泽里尼告诉意大利安莎通讯社,贝卢斯科尼罹患腕管综合征,在米兰附近一家医院接受手术。

4."The justice minister's decision was wise, " Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi told Ansa news agency.“司法部长的决定是明智的,”梵蒂冈发言人隆巴迪(FedericoLombardi)神父告诉安莎通讯社。

5.The ANSA news agency reported that Venice was planning to spend euro1 milpon ($1. 27 milpon) to pay for the damages left by the flood.安莎社的报道称,威尼斯计划在灾后投入100万欧元(合127万美元),以挽回这次水灾造成的损失。

6.A man was arrested at the scene, according to the Ansa news agency.据安莎通讯社报道,一名人员当场被逮捕。