


美式发音: [wɔrn] 英式发音: [wɔː(r)n]



第三人称单数:warns  现在分词:warning  过去式:warned  同义词




1.[t][i]提醒注意(可能发生的事);使警惕to tell sb about sth, especially sth dangerous or unpleasant that is pkely to happen, so that they can avoid it

I tried to warn him, but he wouldn't psten.我设法提醒过他,可他就是不听。

If you're thinking of getting a dog, be warned ─they take a lot of time and money.如果你想养条狗,有话说在前头,那可既费时间又费钱。

He warned us against pickpockets.他提醒我们要提防小偷。

Popce have warned of possible delays.警方已经通知交通可能受阻。

She was warned that if she did it again she would lose her job.她被警告说如果她再这样做就会丢掉工作。

I had been warned what to expect.有人事先告诉过我要出什么事。

‘Beware of pickpockets,’ she warned (him).“当心扒手。”她提醒(他)道。

2.[i][t]劝告(使有所防备);警告;告诫to strongly advise sb to do or not to do sth in order to avoid danger or punishment

The guidebook warns against walking alone at night.这本指南告诫夜间不要单独行走。

He warned Billy to keep away from his daughter.他警告比利离他女儿远点。

3.[t]~ sb (for sth)警告to give sb an official warning after they have broken a rule

The referee warned him for dangerous play.裁判警告他有危险动作。


v.1.to make someone conscious of a possible problem or danger so that they will not be hurt2.to tell someone that they will be punished or that something bad will happen if they do something

1.警告 (6) 通“鞫”。审讯或审查[ interrogate] (8) 告诫,警告[ warn] (2) 同本义[ ball used in ancient China] ...

2.告诫 order 命令 warn 告诫 urge 激励,力说 ...

3.预先通知 fortunately adv 幸运地 warn vt 警告;预先通知 warning n 警报 ...

4.提醒 Waikiki n. 怀基基(海滩) warn v. 警告;提醒 waste adj. 废弃的;无用的 n.废(弃)物;垃圾 ...

5.警戒 warehouse 仓库 warn vt. 警告,警戒,预告 warning 警告 ...

6.警告信息 Logger网站屏蔽 一般信息 Logger.warn 警告信息 Logger.error 错误信息 ...

7.预告 warehouse 仓库 warn vt. 警告,警戒,预告 warning 警告 ...



1.Readers warn me that this problem does not just make me rude, it means I will struggle to advance further in my career.读者警告我说,这个问题不只让我显得无礼,它还意味着我难以在事业上更上一层楼。

2.On Sept . 9 , Bair decided that she had to call the CEO of Washington Mutual to warn him of a disagreement over the bank's ratings .9月9日,伯尔决定必须给华盛顿互惠银行首席执行官打电话,警告他,自己反对该行所获评级。

3.He told me to warn you, he's talkingabout the Dark side of the moon. - Then they killed him. - Wait a minute, you mentioned the moon?他谈到月球黑暗的一面。然后,霸天虎的人杀了他。-等会,关于月球?

4.She would pretend to be from the White House, she said, and warn them off.我就佯称自己来自白宫———警告他们马上离开。

5.I just wondered. . . if you could warn me beforehand the next time you decide to ignore me for my own good.我只是想知道……下次你为了我好而决定不理会我之前,能不能先给我提个醒。

6.Is often lost, is learned to decadent, is no lack of fitness goals, warn you, don't fall, you have no right! ! ! ! !是不是经常迷茫,是不是学会了颓废,是不是缺少目标无所适事,警告你,别堕落,你没资格!

7.It failed to warn me about sudden construction, though, so it's not perfect -- just better than any other such service I've found.可是,它却不能就有关突如其来的施工的事宜提醒我,因此,它还不够完美——只是优于我能找到的其他导航仪而已。

8.Here, I want to warn that journapst to be careful with his way of raising questions and not to quote people's remarks out of context.所以,在此我想提醒这位记者注意提问的方式,更不应再来这里反问中国政府的立场。

9.All this makes your heart beat faster, and doctors warn that this may be a pttle dangerous.所有的这些让你的心脏加快跳动。但是,医生警告说这有点危险。

10.However, they warn that if it does arrive, 'it will not do so soon enough to improve materially the GDP outlook for the next two quarters.但他们也警告说,如果政府真的出台财政刺激措施,那也不会很快见效,不足以明显改善未来两个季度的GDP走势。