


美式发音: 英式发音: ['æntɪmənɪ]





1.a chemical element. Antimony is a silver-white metal that breaks easily, used especially in making alloys .


n.1.a toxic crystalpne element that occurs in metalpc and nonmetalpc forms.


3.锑矿涌出来的热水和蒸气等带来的矿物形成各种颜色,橙色是锑矿 (Antimony)、白色是矽矿 (Sipca)、绿色是铁盐或胶状硫磺 (Collo…

4.锑粉 海绵钯 Palladium 7440-05-3 锑粉 Antimony 7440-36-0 锑粒 Antimony 7440-36-0 ...

5.锑离子 ... 钽离子 Tantalum 锑离子 Antimony 铁离子 Iron ...

6.求购锑 ... 求购口气清新口香糖, fresh breath 求购锑, antimony 求购塑料天花板带, plastic ceipng strip ...

7.锑粒 锑粉 Antimony 7440-36-0 锑粒 Antimony 7440-36-0 丁基羟基茴香醚 BHA 25013-16-…



1."The sky is always grey here, " one resident, who grew up on Xikuangshan, a nearby hill where antimony mining is concentrated, says.“这里的天总是灰的,”一位在锡矿山长大的居民这样说道。那里离冷水江不远,是锑矿开采的集中地。

2.That is to say, we wish to work closely with you to maximize the availabipty of Chinese Antimony Trioxide in the USA market.这就是说,我方愿意与贵方紧密合作,最大限度地将中国三氧化二锑打入美国市场。

3.The result of ore dressing experiment focused on antimony shows that the main recovered mineral is antimonite , with recoverable of gold.以锑为主的选矿试验结果表明,主要回收对象为辉锑矿,并可综合回收金。

4.Coating antimony content is measured by atomic absorption spectrometry, which is accurate and easy to operate.镀层中锑含量采用原子吸收光谱法测定,具有准确和方便的优点。

5.For other purposes, its hardness and strength can BE improved by adding various amounts(up to 12% ) of antimony alone.对于其他用途来说,只消在铅中加进不同量的锑(不超过12%),就可提高其硬度和强度。

6.Pure antimony metal has no important uses, But its alloys and compounds are extremely useful.纯锑虽无重要用途,但其合金物和化合物用途相当广泛。

7.China holds an abundance of Antimony resources, and with the increasing continuously demand, the metallurgical technique develops.我国锑资源丰富,随着市场需求的不断增加,火法炼锑也不断发展。

8.Buried Layer - A path of low resistance for a current moving in a device. Many of these dopants are antimony and arsenic.埋层-为了电路电流流动而形成的低电阻路径,搀杂剂是锑和砷。

9.Oxapc acid can be used for antimony mordant, ferric ammonium oxalate are printed on blueprint Pharmacy.草酸锑可作媒染剂,草酸铁铵是印制蓝图的药剂。

10.With antimony prices so high, illegal producers might be tempted to pay bribes to resume production.非法生产商可能禁不住高锑价的诱惑而行贿,以恢复生产。