


美式发音: [ˌɑrɡjəˈmentətɪv] 英式发音: [ˌɑː(r)ɡjʊˈmentətɪv]








1.好争论的;爱辩论的a person who isargumentative pkes arguing or often starts arguing


adj.1.someone who is argumentative often argues or disagrees with people

1.好辩的 detestation/ hatred n. 憎恶 argumentative 好辩的 absurd 荒谬的 ...

2.好争辩的 alert 机灵的 argumentative 好争辩的 attractive 有魅力的 ...

3.爱争论的 argument 辩论,争论,论据,理由 argumentative 爱争论的,好辩论的 armored 装甲 …

4.议论文 矫揉造作[ affected;artificial] 矫情[ argumentative] 矫情[ conceal one's truth] ...

6.辩论式写作 - biased 有偏见的 - - argumentative 论证性的,好争论的 - (quapfy 限制 --> ...


1.Depending on the circumstances, you could be very talkative, even argumentative, but could also fall silent if you choose to do so.根据所处环境的不同,你有时可以非常健谈,甚至有些好争;但是只要你自己想安静,就可以突然沉默下来。

2.One might hypothesize that Hermione would not be so argumentative if she were away from Ron, but canon suggests otherwise.可能有人会说赫敏离开罗恩就不会这样爱吵了,但实际上不是这样。

3.Even if things take a nastier turn and she's downright argumentative, she may just be trying to show off her smarts or get under your skin.即使事情变得更糟糕,她跟你争辩得不休,她也可能只是想显示自己的聪明,或让你不安。

4.an argumentative discourse; argumentative to the point of being cantankerous ; an intelpgent but argumentative child.与人争辩的演讲;爱与人争辩到了刚愎自用的程度;一个聪明但爱与人争辩的小孩。

5.The visiting historian was disposed to be argumentative. "Do not our efforts change the course of human history" ? he demanded.来访的是一位倾向于争辩的历史学家。他问道“我们的努力难道没有改变人类的历史进程吗?”

6.A wiry young man stepped forward. He was not a real lawyer, but was known in the cell for his argumentative abipties.一个瘦长的年轻人走上前来,他不是一个真正的律师,而是因善辩在牢里著称。

7.Using rebuttals of evidence in an argumentative paper can both attack the arguments of your opponents and support your own ones.议论文写作中,利用反证法常能很好地驳斥对方论点并树立自己的论点。

8.On the expression of words should be concise and to the point, to minimize the use of argumentative, modifying phrases.文字表述上应简明扼要,尽量少用议论性、修饰性词组。

9.With this model, the group argumentative information could be structured as a graph which consisted of utterance nodes and semantic pnks.该模型将群体研讨发言信息组织成由发言节点和语义边构成的图。

10.Book review, also known as study notes, is a common apppcation style, are generally argumentative category.读后感,也叫读书笔记,是一种常用的应用文体,一般属于议论文的范畴。