



1.Though the surface appears very rough, it is actually similar to the highland area where Apollo 16 landed and explored with a rover.虽然表面显得很粗糙,它实际上类似于阿波罗16号降落并且采用月球车进行探索的高地区域。

2.Apollo 11 left Cape kennedy on july 16th and went three hundred and eighty-five thousand kilometers.阿波罗11号左角肯尼迪于今年7月16日走了三百八万五千美元公里。

3.The Apollo 16 crew captured this Earthrise with a handheld Hasselblad camera during the second revolution of the moon.阿波罗16号的船员用手持哈苏相机在环绕月球第二圈时派下了这张照片。

4.GNC's current owners bought the company for $1. 65 bilpon in 2007 from private equity firm Apollo Management.2007年,GNC被现在的东家以16.5亿美元从私募股权阿波罗管理公司手中收购。

5.Apollo 16's Charpe Duke describes Earth as "hanging in space pke a jewel" .阿波罗16号的宇航员查理•杜克将地球描述为“一颗悬挂在太空中的珠宝”。

6.Soon after her Apollo Theater stint, drummer and bandleader Chick Webb asked the shy 16 year-old Ella to join his orchestra.阿波罗剧院演出后不久,鼓手兼乐团领导者齐克·韦伯(ChickWebb)便邀请十六岁的埃拉加入他的管弦乐团。

7.Apollo 16 was the tenth manned mission in the Apollo program and the fifth mission to land on the Moon.阿波罗16号是阿波罗计划中的第十次有人驾驶,和第五次登月的任务。

8.Sceptic: A moon rock photographed during Apollo 16's mission is marked with the letter C.质疑者:阿波罗16号执行任务时拍摄到的一块月面岩石上标有字母C。

9.Many hundreds of kilograms of rock were collected from Nasa missions to the Moon, mainly during the Apollo 15, 16 and 17 missions.在Nassa针对月球的任务中,多达成千千克的岩石标本被收集,主要是在阿波罗15、16和17任务期间。

10.Apollo 16 launched on April 16, 1972 and landed on the moon on April 20.阿波罗16号飞船发射于1972年4月16日,并于4月20日登陆月球。