






1.This is an optional set of characters that you can append to the end of your bounce-back offer codes.这是一套可省略的字符,供您在您的优惠券代码末端追加。

2.A signature file is a short amount of text that you want to append to the end of your email messages.签名文件是您附加在电子邮件尾部的一小段文本。

3.Then type up to 1500 characters to append to your forum posts, and cpck Update.最多可以输入1500个字符来附加到论坛帖子中,然后单击更新。

4.This parameter specifies a prefix to append to the name of the output file.此参数指定附加到输出文件名称的前缀。

5.The code shows how to open, read, and append to a text file, as well as how to use the DAO data control.代码显示了如何打开,读取及追加一个文本文件,以及如何使用DAO数据控件。

6.SMIT never overwrites existing log files; it always tries to append to those files if they exist and can be written to by the current user.SMIT不会覆盖现有的日志文件,如果这些文件已经存在,并且可以由当前用户进行写入,它通常会尝试在这些文件后追加信息。

7.The data that you are importing contains a Null value that you attempted to append to an AutoNumber field.要导入的数据包含一个用户试图追加到“自动编号”字段的空值。

8.Hence, to append to a string, you must make a copy of it.因此,要在一个字符串后面附加上字符,必须对其进行拷贝。

9.Interface on a moniker to append to the end of the current moniker.接口的引用,该引用将追加到当前名字对象的末尾。

10.If true then a multi wildcard char will be append to the end of inputted key string when searching phrases.如果为真,则会在搜索词语的时候,在已输入的键串后附加一个多重扩展字符。