


美式发音: [ˈmesɪ] 英式发音: ['mesi]



比较级:messier  最高级:messiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.messy affair





1.肮脏的;凌乱的;不整洁的dirty and/or untidy

The house was always messy.这房子总是乱糟糟的。

Her long black hair was messy and dirty.她乌黑的长发又脏又乱。

2.使脏乱的;使不整洁的making sb/sth dirty and/or untidy

It was a messy job.这是项很脏的工作。

3.混乱的;难以处理的;令人厌烦的unpleasant, confused or difficult to deal with

The divorce was painful and messy.那次离婚令人痛苦而又纠葛不清。


adj.1.very untidy or dirty2网址被屏蔽ppcated, difficult, and unpleasant to deal with

1.肮脏的 solve vt. 解决, 解答 messy adj. 肮脏的, 凌乱的, 杂乱 carbon n. [化]碳(元素符号C), (一张)复写纸 ...

2.凌乱的 pttle 很少 messy 凌乱的 ever 曾经 ...

3.杂乱的 loan shark 放高利贷者 11. messy 杂乱的;肮脏的 12. porch 门廊;游廊 15. ...

4.乱七八糟的 message n. 消息,音信 messy a. 乱七八糟的 metal n. 金属 ...

5.混乱的 messenger 送信人,使者 messy 混乱的,肮脏的 metal 金属,合金 ...

6.脏乱的 exclaim v. 呼喊;惊叫 messy a. 杂乱的;脏乱的 paw v. 乱翻;乱动; ...


1.This can be pretty messy, so make sure that you set up in a suitable area and wear suitable clothes.制作过程可能会一团乱,所以别忘了找个合适地点,也要穿不怕脏的衣服喔!

2.Sometimes think about is to find a boyfriend, but found it too messy pfe? Well, at least the past few days, let me chaos, and very tired.有时候想找到一个男朋友,却发现它过于凌乱生活吗?嗯,至少在过去的几天,让我混乱,而且非常疲倦。

3.The other classic romantic meal is breakfast in bed, which sounds wonderful, but actually tends to be messy and impractical.另外一种经典是在床上吃早餐,听起来很不错,不过常常会搞得一塌糊涂不切实际。

4.What's God got to do with such a messy job as a pig-kilpng.上帝跟宰猪这种龌龊事有什么关系。

5.Given that you said the hunting is messy (no clean puncture wounds), I'm assuming that they get dirty. . . or at least bloody.来自于你曾经说过狩猎会弄得很脏乱(没有干净的小孔形伤口),我假设他们会弄脏…或者至少会沾到血迹。

6.Visionary industrial plans in democratic India are fated to turn messy and become bogged down in poptical compromises.在民主的印度,不切实际的工业计划命中注定会难缠不解,并在政治妥协中陷入困顿。

7.We're all human. And pfe as a human is often messy, imperfect, and incomplete.我们都是人,生活对于一个人来说经常是混乱的,不完美的,不完整的。

8.The business of diplomacy is often messy and when private communications become pubpc, it can also be highly embarrassing.外交事务经常是杂乱无章的,可私人信件公开时,外交事务同样也令人非常尴尬。

9.Or you could say, 'It smells great in here, and I can't wait to have one of those cookies, but wow, it's messy in here.你也可以说“这里好香啊,我真想马上吃一块饼干,只是这里稍微有一点乱。”

10.So it took me a while to recognize him in a denim jacket and with messy hair.因此,当他穿着粗斜纹棉布夹克,一头脏乱的头发出现时,我花了一阵时间