




1.水瓶新世纪 | +---Alrale IQ 博士 | +---Aquarian Age 水瓶新世纪 | +---ARIA 水星领航员 ...

2.宝瓶时代 [ARCRISE FANTASIA][ 弧光幻想曲] [Aquarian Age][ 宝瓶时代] [Anmitsu Hime] 姫] ...

3.水瓶新世纪原声音乐 applying aspect 入相位 Aquarian Age 水瓶座时代 Aquarius 水瓶座〔星座〕 ...


1.As you cross into the Aquarian Age, trust the flow of divine wisdom.放下它!因为你正在穿越水瓶年代,信任神圣的宇宙智慧。

2.To the modern world defiance of repgious bepef is still a heresy, although the times are changing as we enter the Aquarian Age.对现代社会来说挑战宗教信仰仍旧是异端行为,虽然时代已随着我们进入水瓶纪元而变化着。

3.It will help you to face the new challenges of the Aquarian age (stress, lot of informations, many opportunities, fast changes, etc. ).它们还将帮助你面对水瓶年代的新的挑战(压力,大信息量,众多机会,急速变化等等)。

4.No matter where you or when you do it, congratulations for making it to day 40 and welcome to the Aquarian Age!不管您在哪,还是在做什么,让我们一起庆祝通过40天的全球冥想来欢迎水瓶年代的到来!

5.We are in the cusp (transition) to the Aquarian Age, which will begin in 2012.我们目前正处在进入水平年代的尖端,这个年代开始于2012年。

6.The Aquarian Age will be about us knowing what to do in our hearts.水瓶年代将是我们知道怎样通过我们的内在来了解怎么去做。

7.Restore to Zero Point at the Time of the Aquarian Age - Water Bearers在宝瓶座时期的时候恢复到零点——送水者