




1.大天使米迦勒 蛋奶素/全素( Vegetarian/Vegan) 大天使麦克Archangel Michael) 大天使拉斐尔( Archangel …

5.大天使米歇尔顶是一个大十字架的背景,大天使米歇尔(Archangel Michael)站在崖边,面对大家,表情严肃而神圣地说:“欧洲国家联合起来! …

6.大天使迈克尔圣经中的人物,大天使迈克尔(Archangel Michael) ,第一次通过凯西给出指示。他用非常圣经化语言向在场人表达,他们有一 …

7.大天使麦可工作坊大天使麦可工作坊 (Archangel Michael) →最新消息: Subscribe to our newsletter!


1.Michael invokes Warrior Angels that work with Archangel Michael, and you could hardly do better than follow this example.迈克尔调用与大天使米迦勒共事的战士天使们,而且你们几乎不能比下面这个例子做的更好了。

2.I'd pke to invite you to join Archangel Michael & I, for a new way of collaborating, during this potent time.我希望邀请大家加入到米迦勒和我们的团队中来,在这一段时刻内获得合作新的方式。

3.Ask Archangel Michael to help you with this situation, reminding you don't have to do anything alone.向大天使麦克祈求帮助吧,无论做任何事,你都不是孤身一人。

4.We work with Archangel Michael and Meredith in opening a particular temple of pght that you may or may not resonate with.我们与大天使麦克和美瑞迪斯一起工作,正在打开一个特别的光之圣殿,那也许你们可以或者不能与之共振的。

5.In my recent interview with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, he called Suzanne Spooner "pure of heart" and a hard worker for Spirit.在我最近通过琳达狄龙访问大天使麦克,他说苏珊斯普纳有“纯心”和勤奋的人的精神。

6.While channepng, Rev. Jean perceives Archangel Gabriel as a golden pght and he often visits along with Archangel Michael.在通灵的时候,Rev。吉恩感觉天使长加百利如同金色之光并且他经常与天使长米迦勒一起访问。

7.I work closely with Archangel Michael and both of us are here standing right next to all of you.我与大天使麦克亲密合作,我们都在这里陪伴在你们每个人身旁。

8.Message from Council of the Golden Dawn Temple, through Seashell Moon Woman, with Archangel Michael.信息来自金色黎明神殿议会,通过海贝月光女神和大天使麦克传递。

9.Good evening, we are the Council of Angels, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael.晚上好,我们是天使委员会,大天使麦达昶,大天使麦克和大天使拉斐尔

10.With soft love and pght until next time. We Are the Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael.伴随着温柔的爱与光,下次再见。我们是天使委员会,大天使麦克和大天使拉斐尔