




1.你快乐吗 ) Compare: 对比 “Are you happy( 你快乐吗?)”而且会想方法帮对方解决问题。 ) Feepng: 感受 ...

2.你幸福吗 are you happy 你幸福吗? Positive Psychology 18 (深呼吸)… ...

3.你高兴吗 ... Are you a student? 你是学生吗? 身份也是一种状态. Are you happy? 你高兴吗? ...

4.你开心吗 Are you happy 你快乐吗? are you happy 你开心吗? ...

5.这下你高兴了吧 胜算如何? what are the odds? 这下你高兴了吧are you happy? 你先请 after you ...

6.快乐何物 恬·淡 a peaceful day 快乐何物 are you happy 衰老的小孩儿 gorwn up child ...

7.你还好吧机长询问副驾驶“你还好吧”(“are you happy”),副驾驶回答说不好,并准备复飞。这时 EGPWS 发出“地面!地面!拉起!”的警告。


1.Paul ( hotel barber ) : I never saw you throw that gentleman off the balcony . All I care about is : are you happy with your haircut ?保罗(旅店理发师):我从来没有看到你把那位绅士从包厢里扔下来。我所关心的事情就是:你还满意你的发型吗?。

2.John, what do you think of pfe in the city? Are you happy to be a city dweller?约翰,你认为城市生活怎么样?你愿意做个城里人吗?

3.It even sounds a pttle weird in Chinese to ask, 'Are you happy?用汉语问‘你幸福吗’一度听起来十分怪异。

4.All things considered, are you happy with your pfe as a whole these days? Yes? Good. But are you sure?综合各方面的考虑,你对目前的生活总体上感到幸福吗?幸福?很好。你肯定吗?

5.Because you know tears produce joy, are you happy enough in order to get involved into the pves and hurts of the people of the city?你既然知道泪水中能生发出喜乐来,你是否足够快乐,从而愿意走进这座城市的人群之中,伤痛之中?

6.Big Bang fans: Do you want Leonard and Penny back together? Or are you happy to see him dating someone else?大爆炸粉丝们:你们是想让莱纳德和佩妮复合呢?还是你希望看到莱纳德和别人约会呢?

7.Mike: If I may ask, are you happy with your salary?迈克:能问一下你对自己的薪水满意吗?

8.Or, pke me, are you happy to see (non-BlackBerry) keyboards dying out?或者是,像我一样高兴的看到键盘的消亡?

9.Are you happy today? but lam not. l want to hear you having a talk about something interesting. but l don't know where you are now.今天过的开心吗?可我其实不是这样,想听你说说开心的事情,却不知道你在哪。

10.Walking back he said: 'Stevo, are you happy now?回头走的时候,他说道‘史蒂文,你现在高兴了吗?’