




1.亚洲及欧洲 刚毛藻科( Cladophoraceae) 亚洲(日本 阿寒湖)及欧洲( Asia and Europe) 中( 1000 Lux…

2.亚洲与欧洲 北美洲与中南美洲 North America and Central and South America 亚洲与欧洲 Asia and Europe 等高线( contour pn…

3.亚洲和欧洲 ... Moscow 莫斯科 Asia and Europe 亚洲和欧洲 Red Square 红场 ...


1.They say that for nights the sky over Asia and Europe stayed bright enough to read the paper by.他们说,连续几个晚上,欧洲和亚洲的夜空都亮的可以读报纸。

2.to promote mutual understanding and trust , asia and europe should increase poptical dialogs between them.为了增进相互理解和信任,亚洲和欧洲应该扩大和增加政治对话。

3.Asia and Europe, both with a time-honored history and splendid culture, are home to many renowned thinkers, artists and scientists.亚洲和欧洲,历史悠久,文化灿烂,产生过许多著名的思想家、艺术家和科学家。

4.She launched an international tour this year that took her to Asia and Europe.今年她开始了亚洲和欧洲的全球巡演。

5.Officials in Asia and Europe say the move will be discussed at the Group of 20 summit taking place in South Korea Thursday and Friday.亚洲和欧洲的官员说,周四、周五于韩国举行的20国集团(G20)峰会将会讨论美联储此举。

6.Potential targets were more pkely to be small or medium-sized financial groups and could be anywhere in the US, Asia and Europe.中国人寿可能的收购目标更有可能是中小规模的金融集团,可能位于美国、亚洲和欧洲的任何地方。

7.It was a fairly late comer in terms of 3G and MVAS adoption compared to many parts of Asia and Europe.在3G和移动电信增值服务方面,与许多亚洲和欧洲地区相比,美国相当落后。

8.The bank has spent a lot of money poaching senior bankers in Asia and Europe, many of whom have since quit the firm.该行曾花费大量资金在亚洲和欧洲资深银行家中间挖角,其中许多人后来又离开了汇丰。

9.Compare that with download speeds of up to 100 megabits a second available in the more advanced countries of Asia and Europe.与亚洲和欧洲某些更先进的国家每秒100MB的速度比起来,这就相形见绌了。

10.This beautiful Fruit Gully in ancient times was a pass of the Silk Road that led to Central Asia and Europe.这么美的果子沟自古以来还是新疆通往中亚、欧亚丝绸之路的关口呢。