




1.亚洲共同体向荣的世界,20世纪人口增长4倍,现在占人类的一半。从亚细安发展出来的“亚洲群体”(Asian community)概念急需推动, …

4.亚体因此,呼应亚协 (Asia Union) 或是亚体Asian Community) 的想 像,蕴含具体的政治意义,特别是欧洲、拉美与非洲的 …


1.I responded to your question of East Asian Community last Thursday.关于你提到的中方对于东亚共同体的立场,上次我已经作了回应。

2.Mr. Rudd launched the idea of a security-focused Asian community forum and pledged Austrapa to a tough cpmate-change regime.陆克文曾提议亚洲各国建立一个以地区安全为核心的论坛,并承诺澳大利亚将制定严格的机制来遏制全球气候变化。

3.Japan's government, meanwhile, is pushing for an 'East Asian Community' and hopes to hammer out details of its proposal in coming months.与此同时,日本政府也在推动建立一个“东亚共同体”,并希望在未来数月敲定方案的细节。

4.Crammed with shops, guesthouses and businesses run by the Indian and South Asian community, it's a great place for an authentic curry.重庆大厦内到处都是印度人或南亚人经营的商店、宾馆、以及商务场所,是品尝正宗咖喱的绝佳地点。

5.Indeed, talk of an East Asian community, with perhaps even a single currency, is nothing new.其实,东亚共同体一说,也许甚而还有单一货币,并无新意。

6.The celebrations kick off on Friday evening at Belmore Park in the heart of Sydney's Asian community.庆祝活动上周五晚间在悉尼亚洲社区的中心贝尔摩公园拉开帷幕。

7.While Americans and the British prefer firm handshakes , the Asian community favour gentle grips.虽然美国人和英国者坚定的握手,亚洲的社区好意温和的紧握。

8.That would provide a foundation for a tightly drawn East Asian Community that China could hope to lead.这将为中国可能希望主导的紧密东亚共同体奠定基础。

9.The East Asian community prospect will be the thorn full of road, needs to have full patient and the extraordinary wisdom.东亚共同体前景将是荆棘满路,需要有充分的耐心和非凡的智慧。

10.Nowhere is Chicago's diversity more evident than on West Devon Avenue, which has become the main thoroughfare of the South Asian community.没什么地方比西德文郡更能体现芝加哥的多样性,这里已经成了南亚族群区的主干道。