

asian development bank

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1.The Asian Development Bank said there was enough food to go round, and the key was to help the poor afford it.亚洲发展银行称有足够的粮食可以供应,关键是让穷人买得起。

2.But the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which houses the most fervent advocates of a joined-up Asia, seems to be winning the battle.但拥有最狂热的亚洲一体化倡议者的亚洲发展银行似乎赢得了这场战役。

3.ASEAN leaders, supported by the United States as an Asian Development Bank (ADB) member, will create an ASEAN Infrastructure Fund.东盟领导人将在作为亚洲开发银行(AsianDevelopmentBank)成员的美国的支持下设立东盟基础设施基金(ASEANInfrastructureFund)。

4.But Jong-Wha Lee of the Asian Development Bank has tried to put a number on it.不过亚洲开发银行(AsianDevelopmentBank)的李钟和(Jong-WhaLee)已在试图给出具体的时间。

5.In an unusually tart comment, the Asian Development Bank warned countries against buying dollars to depreciate domestic currencies.亚洲开发银行发表尖刻得不同寻常的评论,警告各国不要购买美元以贬低国内货币。

6."China has a strong pipepne of well-prepared projects, " says Robert Wihtol, China country director for the Asian Development Bank.亚洲开发银行中国区首席代表RobertWihtol说,中国有很多准备充分的项目。

7.A recent report by the Asian Development Bank pronounced China, alongside Nepal, to have the most unequal income distribution in Asia.亚洲开发银行(AsianDevelopmentBank)最近的一份报告表示,中国和尼泊尔是亚洲收入分配不均最为严重的两个国家。

8.Like other international lenders, the Asian Development Bank may also become more of a knowledge bank for technical aid.和其他国际出款人一样,亚洲发展银行也将会变成一个提供技术援助的更具知识性的银行。

9.So far, Japan, USAID and the Asian Development Bank are the main donors in the region.目前日本、美国国际开发署和亚洲开发银行是该地区的主要捐赠者。

10.Schmidt shouldn't have to rely on the Japanese or the Asian Development Bank for the analysis on which to base his new popcy ideas.施密特要提出的新政策想法,所需要的分析,不应该依赖于日本或者亚行。