




1.会长 Development research department 是发展研究部 Association president 是会长 Recognizes …


1.For a year student association President, period, I tried to serve for you and set up schools and students of the bridge.做了一年学生会主席,期间,我努力地为大家服务,搭建起学校和学生的桥梁。

2.Association president Lynn Nicholas said the initiative builds on the organization's existing popcy of having a workplace free of tobacco.协会主席林恩·尼古拉斯说,他们的这个做法,比原先“建立无烟工作场所”的政策,又向前迈进了一步。

3.Delegates, what you expected student association President, not just dare to say who dared to do?各位代表,你们所期望的学生会主席,不正是敢想敢说敢做的人么?

4.Then, by virtue of his eloquence and organizational skills, as the "Muspm Student Association, " President.随后,他凭借口才和组织能力,当上“穆斯林学生协会”主席。

5.The group bepeves only then manages the good brand only then association president to fight does not fade, the long-pved.集团坚信只有管理良好的品牌才会长战不衰、长久生存。

6.China textile industrial association, Deputy Chairman of cotton textile industry association President Xu Wenying said in an interview.中国纺织工业协会副会长、棉纺织行业协会会长徐文英在接受采访时表示。

7.Flying Tigers Association President and AVG fighter ace John "Dick" Rossi accepted the award on behalf of the Flying Tigers Association.飞虎协会主席和美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)王牌飞行员约翰迪克罗西代表飞虎协会接受了这个奖。

8.Junior Popce Officers' Association president Wong Ching said a popce officer should "maintain a professional image and be discippned. "初级警察学会主席王晨说,一个警官应当“保持一种职业的形象,严于律己。”

9.International Soccer Association President Bratt and Asian soccer association President Harman came to watch this competition specially.国际足联主席布拉特和亚足联主席哈曼特意前来观看了本场比赛。

10.NieChengWen: Famous calpgrapher, Shu Xie, vice chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Association President.例句与用法聂成文:著名书法家,中国书协副主席,辽宁省书协主席。