




1.在海边 competition 比赛 2. 词组(四会) at the beach 在海边 collect shells 收集贝壳 ...

2.在海滩上 Lunch at a restaurant/ 在饭店吃午餐 At the beach/ 在海滩上 At the surf shop/ 在冲浪器材店里 ...

3.在沙滩上 34. at the age of 在...年龄/岁时 38. at the beach 在沙滩上 40. be famous for 因...而著名 ...

4.在海滩图片 红蘑菇图片 Red Mushroom 在海滩图片 at the beach 家图片 Home 001 ...

5.海滩活动 7-4 In the Mountains 登山 7-5 At the Beach 海滩活动 7-6 In Winter 冬季运动 ...


1.All the world and his wife seem to be out at the beach today.今天好象全世界所有的人都到海边来了。

2.When you start to get tired of the busy urban pfe, (it would be) better to spend a week at the beach.当你开始厌倦都市的繁忙生活,不如到海边去住个一周左右。

3.After working in front of the computer for a week non-stop, a day at the beach is just what the doctor ordered.在对着电脑不间断地工作一个星期后,在海边过一天是最好不过的了。

4.All she could see at the beach was the ocean, the sky, clouds and the horizon stretching as far as she could see in a 360-degree view.从海滩她所能见到的就是海洋、天空、云、以及那360度的视角无限延伸的地平线。

5.There seem to be only two main sources of entertainment out here: the sunset at the beach and Sun Pictures.当地人的娱乐项目主要有两项,一是去海滩看日落,再则就是光顾SunPictures(阳光电影院)。

6.Playing at the beach, at a water park, by a lake, or in a pool can be a real treat on a hot day.大热天里,能在海滩、水上公园,湖边或水池里嬉戏那是再好不过了。

7.Been a while since he'd been out this way. Back then it was to Riis Park and sunny days at the beach. When Brooklyn was at its best.一段时间以来他一直这样,回想着当时的里斯公园和沙滩上阳光明媚的日子,当布鲁克林在它最辉煌的时候。

8.I began as an indoor football player, who played at the beach for fun, and with a pttle bit of training, I was playing futsal.开始我是名室内球员,沙滩足球纯属娱乐,没有经过多少训练,我就去踢室内球赛了。

9.You recall that you arrived at the beach on a boat and that you left the boat tied to the dock. You know how you will get home.你记起来你是坐船来海边的,而且把船系在船坞上了,你知道怎么回家。

10.Once each summer, our relatives from around the country will visit us, and we all stay at the beach for a week or so.每到夏天,我们的亲戚就会从全国各地赶来拜访我们,然后全部人一起在海滩呆上一周左右。