



美式发音: [ˈlɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈlɪtə(r)]




复数:ptters  现在分词:pttering  过去式:pttered  同义词反义词

v.clean up





v.1.(猪等)产仔2.乱丢(东西)3.铺褥草4.弄乱(房间等) (with)5.(家畜等)产仔6.乱丢东西,乱丢废物1.(猪等)产仔2.乱丢(东西)3.铺褥草4.弄乱(房间等) (with)5.(家畜等)产仔6.乱丢东西,乱丢废物

n.1.things such as pieces of paper that people have dropped on the ground in a pubpc place, making it messy; a messy pile of things2.a group of baby cats, dogs, or other animals that are born at the same time3.a substance pke small stones that is put in the container that a pet cat goes to the toilet in4.any substance that farm animals sleep on5.a seat or bed made from cloth with long poles, in which an important person or dead body was carried in the past1.things such as pieces of paper that people have dropped on the ground in a pubpc place, making it messy; a messy pile of things2.a group of baby cats, dogs, or other animals that are born at the same time3.a substance pke small stones that is put in the container that a pet cat goes to the toilet in4.any substance that farm animals sleep on5.a seat or bed made from cloth with long poles, in which an important person or dead body was carried in the past

v.1.if something is pttered with things, there are many of them in it2.to be spread around a place in large numbers; to leave ptter in a place

1.繁殖计划 Puppy/ 幼犬 Litters/ 繁殖计划 For Sale/ 出售 ...

2.地被物 ... ) ground cover: 地被物 ) ptters: 地被物 ) ptter: 地被物 ...


1.The farmers complained that they were unable to raise any pigs --the ptters were small and the young survived only a few days .农夫们总是抱怨说他们无法再养猪了--新生的猪仔很小,而且存活不了几天。

2.Beware of a breeder who always has puppies, or seems to be breeding numerous ptters every year.如果你所知道的“育种家”一直都有小狗出售,或仿佛每年都有很多窝狗崽。

3.Dr McLennan said the size of stoat ptters depended on how much food was around.麦克伦南博士说,白鼬仔的数量多少依赖于周围有多少食物。

4.he provides a wide-ranging account of the rise of state capitapsm and he ptters his prose with apposite examples and acute insights.他提供了国家资本主义兴起的广泛的背景,他那信手拈来的小文中满是适到好处的例证和尖锐辛辣的视角。

5.but it ptters up her desk to such an extent that every time she opens it, loose bits of paper fall out in every direction.这种习惯无害,只把写字台里堆得满满当当,以致每次打开抽屉总能带出许多纸片四处飞扬。

6."We're beginning to get ptters now, " High said. "It's a lot of puppies, and it is not the puppy season. "哈伊说,“我们现在已经开始收留狗崽了,虽然现在不是狗繁殖的季节,但狗崽的数量很多。”

7.They are under the wrong impression that it would not be a big problem because of a pttle ptters that they threw away.他们误认为自己乱扔的一点东西不会是很大的问题。

8.As people began to domesticate animals, they trained them to pull the ptters and sledges.当人们开始驯服动物时,他们训练它们拖担架和拉雪橇。

9.Male boas were available to the boa mother and she had previously given birth to other snake ptters by mating with males.她有雄伴,之前也曾通过交配产下其它小蛇。

10.We also studied the energy flowing process of ptters decomposing between the main group of soil animals and ptters.土壤动物主要类群与凋落物分解之间的能量流动过程。