




1.在购物中心 ... 5.a badminton set 一套羽毛球装置 1.at the shopping mall 在购物中心 2.in different shops 在不同的商店 ...

2.在商场 ... Part 4 At the Restaurant 在餐馆 Part 5 At the Shopping Mall 在商场 Part 6 At the Bank 在银行 ...

3.在购物城 ... Unit 14 Making a telephone call 打电话 Unit 16 At the shopping mall 在购物城 Unit 17 In a restaurant 在饭店 ...


1.One day I was at the shopping mall, and I noticed a group of young people staring at me as I was pning up at the cashier.一天,当我在商场排队付费时,我发现有一群年轻人紧紧的盯着我。

2.A woman loses her purse at the shopping mall. A pttle boy finds it and gives it back to her.一位女士在商场把钱包丢了。一个小男孩捡到了,并还给了她。

3.Well, you should wear a suit. I heard there's a sale at the shopping mall. Let's go check it out.那你应该穿得正式点儿。听说附近有家商场打折。我们去看看吧。

4.I cannot beat the crowds at the shopping mall on a Saturday.我无法忍受周末购物中心里人山人海。

5.Dear Dad, Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father's Day cards.今天我在商场的时候,我读了好长时间的有关“父亲节”的贺卡。

6.That's true. You may find crowds of people on the train , at the shopping mall, or even in the street, almost everywhere.那倒是真的。几乎到处都是人山人海,火车上,商场里,甚至连马路上都一样。

7.The restaurant locates in Qingshi Road, at the shopping mall 4th floor near walmart, it will open at the beginning of August.这家店位于无锡欧风街(青石路)沃尔玛旁边的饮食广场4楼,8月初开业。

8.I usually shop with my mum at the shopping mall on Sundays.我经常在周日和妈妈去购物中心买东西。

9.Happiness is not for sale at the shopping mall.幸福更不是在商场中可以买到的。

10.Let's go check out the sale at the shopping mall.我们去购物中心看看大拍卖吧。