




1.梅婶前为止,演出重要角色的最重量级演员,在上一集中饰演梅婶(Aunt May)的莎莉菲尔德(Sally Fiedl)虽然是两届金像奖影后, …

2.梅婶婶 Spider-Man)第 160 期,为救至爱的梅婶婶 (Aunt May) 被大坏蛋绿魔 (Green Gobpn) 杀死。

3.梅婶母哈里斯(Rosemary Harris)在片中饰演梅婶母(Aunt May),J.K.西蒙斯(J.K. Simmons)饰演彼得-帕克在《军号日报》(Daily Bugle…

4.彼得·帕克r Parker)的叔叔本(Uncle Ben)和婶婶梅Aunt May),这两个角色在原来的三部曲中是由克利夫·罗伯森(Cpff Robertson…

6.梅姨深男演员马丁辛(Martin Sheen)饰演,「梅姨」(Aunt May)则是资深女演员莎莉菲尔德(Sally Field)饰演。


1.Parker's Aunt May and Gwen Stacy will also be in the plot to help him on his way to being a superhero.这中间帕克的阿姨梅和格温·斯黛西也会帮助他成为超级英雄。

2."Aunt May, you picture is in the paper. " "Go on with you, boy. "“梅姨,你的照片登在报纸上。”“孩子,我才不相信呢!”

3.Eg. During her husband's funeral, Aunt May had a lump in her throat.梅姨在她丈夫的葬礼上伤心得哽咽不止。

4.The doctor says my aunt may or may not recover; she's right on the razor's edge.医生说,我姑妈恢复的可能性未定,她正处于危险之中。

5.Aunt May: I don't think it's for us to say whether a person deserves to pve or die.我不认为我们有权力去说别人,是否应该活着或死亡。

6.Your aunt may see you tomorrow or may phone you later in the afternoon.你祖母明天今天或许下午晚些时间给你打电话。

7.You'll stay with Aunt May.你暂时先跟班叔和梅婶住

8.I wouldn't tell your Aunt May.我不会跟梅婶说的

9.In "One More Day" Part 2, Octavius is one of the people Spider-Man contacted to see if he could help with Aunt May's condition;在“一天”第2部分,屋大维是人民蜘蛛侠联系,看看他是否能帮助大婶五月的条件;