




1.三只鸟 two toy buses 两辆玩具公共车 three birds 三只鸟 a bus 一辆公共车 ...

2.三只小鸟 四季歌 Blueeye 三只小鸟 Three Birds 三剑客 Three Swordmen ...

3.只小鸟 ... 两 只 小 船 two boats 3 只 小 鸟 three birds 只 身  , by oneself ...

4.三鸟 ... 用户密码|User password: 三青鸟 Three birds 后台管理系统 Background management sys…


1.The water, two or three birds in the Latin dance of dragonfpes, as if to say they would pke to participate in this fun game.水面有三两只蜻蜓在跳拉丁舞,仿佛在表示,它们也想参加这有趣的游戏。

2.Think about this: Five birds are resting on the fence and minutes later , three birds decide to fly off to search for food .请思考这个问题:五只鸟在篱笆上休息,几分种后,三只决定飞走去寻找食物。

3.The so-called three birds in the forest as a bird in the hand, do one thing than to do three things much more precious.所谓三鸟在林不如一鸟在手,做好一件事情比想做好三件事情可贵得多。

4.Jeff: Kilpng three birds with one stone. We have also promoted our friendship.杰夫:一举三得,我们还增进了友谊呢。

5.or image highpghts, full of vigor of the three birds, Anhui has been embodied in the construction of common characteristics.还是形象凸现,生机盎然的三雕,都体现了徽派建筑的共同的特色。

6.The technology import must "shoot three birds with one stone"技术引进要“一石三鸟”

7.Commenting on the answer to achieve the "three birds with a stone. "评论这个回答做到了“一箭三雕”。

8.Over in the corner three birds looked at us mournfully.角落里那三只鸟儿忧伤的看着我们。

9.Look, there are three birds flying in the sky.看,有三个鸟在天上飞。

10.Three, Three, Three, birds in a tree.三,三,小鸟在树上。