




1.自传式记忆存」这个问题, Martin Conway区分了「自传性记忆autobiographical memory)」与「闪光灯记忆」,对他来说,自传性 …

5.传记式记忆读诗不仅刺激掌管语言的左脑,还特别能刺激右脑提取「传记式记忆」(autobiographical memory)区域的活动,帮助读者 …

6.自传式的记忆 ... 知觉( Perception) 自传式的记忆autobiographical memory) 短暂( transi…

7.记忆如自传  专家常说“记忆如自传”(autobiographical memory)。他们相信,每个人都在不断改写自己的历史,也就是根据我们对自己多多少 …


1.In patients with damage to the temporal lobe cortex, years and even decades of autobiographical memory can be expunged irrevocably.颞叶皮质受损的患者,可能会丧失数年、甚至数十年的个人记忆。

2.Different definitions of autobiographical memory are defined through different aspects.学者们从不同角度对自传体记忆的概念进行了界定。

3.Autobiographical memory is the memory about one person's information and experiencing events.自传体记忆可以看作是个人关于自我信息和个人经历事件的记忆。

4.The effects of emotion to positive and negative word-related autobiographical memory have obvious differences; 3.人格与情绪的交互作用对积极和消极线索词的自传体记忆的影响有显著差异。

5.Autobiographical memory (AM) is memory for information related to the self, which is the recollection of the past pfe experiences.自传记忆是关于个人信息的记忆,是指个体对过去生活事件的回忆。

6.The neural mechanisms of Autobiographical memory on the self , emotional and time factors have a lot of controversies.但迄今为止关于自传体记忆的这三个重要因素的神经机制的探讨尚存在很多的争议。

7.The Concept of Autobiographical Memory and its Main Phenomenon自传体记忆的概念及其主要现象

8.Cellular Automata Model In Autobiographical Memory Research and Its Apppcation In Reverse Psychological Education自传体记忆研究中的元胞自动机模型及其在挫折教育中的应用

9.Effects of Rumination and Distraction on Negative Emotion and Autobiographical Memory沉思和分心对负情绪和自传体记忆的影响

10.Some Developments in Autobiographical Memory Research自传体记忆研究的若干新进展