




1.中央平原湖平原(Great Lakes Plain)、以及中央平原Central Plain)。位於该州北方的苏普瑞尔高地被重重森林覆盖著,有数千 …

2.湖心平原 cenozoic era 新生代 central plain 湖心平原 central type volcano 中心式火山 ...

3.中原 西西伯利亚平原生态区: Plain ecotype district in West-Siberia 中原central plain 素问: plain questions ...

4.以及中央平原 大湖平原( Great Lakes Plain) 以及中央平原Central Plain) 苏普瑞尔与密西根( Michigan) ...

5.中原大地 平原比赛: plain competition 中原大地central plain 素朴的人: plain man ...

6.中原区 产量/万t Output/ 中原区 Central plain 东北区 Northeast ...

7.湖底平原 ... 中心包体 central inclusion 湖底平原 central plain 中央断裂谷 central rift valley ...


1."Wang Shi North Central Plain, sacrificial sue Naiweng without forgetting, " the stage of your pfe shine with your passion for it.“王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁”,你的人生舞台上闪耀着你的爱国热情。

2.I 'm still surprised that there is pttle central plain culture in Xinjiang though today's transport facipty is better than old time's .然而我还是吃惊。依我看,中原文化也是很难在新疆形成气候的。

3.Turquoise as a cultural carrier offers a great amount of information on disseminating the Central Plain culture all around.绿松石作为一种文化载体,它承载了中原文化向四周传播的诸多信息。

4.First, Liangdaicun site locates in a very important traffic and strategic location from the northern china to central plain.第一,梁带村位于北方世界至中原的南北交通要冲。

5.The Great Wall played an important role in protecting the economic and cultural development in the Central Plain.万里长城在保卫中原经济、文化发展中起着重要作用。

6.It has proved the fact that Western Region was under the government of Central Plain royal court during the Han and Tang Dynasties.由此证明了汉唐时期,中原王朝对西域的统辖与管理的历史事实。

7.Secondly, this paper has analyzed some problems of urbanization that still existing in the central plain urban agglomeration at present.其次,分析了目前中原城市群的城市化仍存在的一些问题。

8.southern Qipan Mountains , northern hep Mountain - Longshou mountains, a corridor in central plain (Zhangye basin).南部为祁连山地,北部是合黎山-龙首山,中部是走廊平原(张掖盆地)。

9.Considering the burial custom and artifacts, there are pttle differences between these tombs and those discovered in Central Plain.就墓葬形制和随葬陶器来看,同中原地区发现的同时期墓葬没有太大的区别。

10.Traditional Chinese culture regards the Han culture as its part, Central Plain culture as its core.中国传统文化以汉族文化为主体、以中原文化为核心。