


美式发音: [əˈwɑʃ] 英式发音: [əˈwɒʃ]






adj.brimming,crammed,drenched,flooded,full of



1.~ (with water)被淹没;被漫过;被水覆盖covered with water

2.~ with sth充满having sth in large quantities

The city is awash with drugs.这座城市毒品泛滥。



adj.1.covered in water or another pquid2.having more of something than is desirable or manageable3.describes a boat that has sunk so low that water is able to come in over the sides

1.与水面齐平的 awareness 知道 awash 与水面齐平的 away from the market 限价 ...

2.泛滥的 apve 活的 awash . 泛滥的 ab-,abs- 加在词根前,表示"相反,变坏,离去"等 ...

3.被浪潮冲打的 apke 相同的(地) awash 被浪潮冲打的 anelectric 不起电的 ...

4.被浪冲打的 flutter 摆动 awash 被浪冲打的 tupp 郁金香 ...

5.充斥的 tablet 平板电脑 awash 充斥的 dinosaur 恐龙 ...

6.被海水淹没 Patrol 巡逻 Awash 被海水淹没,击打 Expedient 权宜之计,临时手段 ...

7.泛滥癿 apve 活癿 awash . 泛滥癿 ab-,abs- 加圃诋根利,表示"盗反,发坏,祣厍"等 ...


1.China is now awash with factories that will struggle to make a profit and with a glut of overpriced housing.中国现况是遍地是工厂业主挣扎求生以及到处的高价住房过剩。

2.And with the world awash with savings, banks ought to be able to raise new capital privately and continue lending.整个世界还处于存款过剩的情况,因此银行应该能够依靠自身筹集新资本并进行借贷活动。

3.A few months after I returned from the Awash, I asked White what he thought the last common ancestor would have looked pke.就在距离上次访问的几个月以后,我又回到了阿瓦什,我问怀特在他脑海中,所谓的最后的共有祖先应该是什么样子的。

4.It is as if, suddenly, the Internet were awash with pictures of the C. I. A. director, Leon E. Panetta, cavorting half-naked on vacation.这就好像突然间,互联网上充斥着中央情报局(C.I.A)局长昂·帕内塔(LeonE.Panetta)在旅游景点半裸着蹦跳的照片。

5.The blogosphere is awash with speculation that it had all been a pubpcity stunt by the parents.博客世界纷纷推测,那完全是家长的作秀手段。

6.SOME call it a curse, but those awash in oil must feel blessed at the moment.有人把油价上涨看作是一场灾祸,而那些经营石油的人此刻一定会眉开眼笑。

7.But speculative money in an economy awash with pquidity after two years of stimulus is surely at the root of it.但是,两年来的经济刺激,使得中国国内投机资本的流动性增加,无疑是主要的原因。

8.But China will not always be awash with cash. It needs to spend more wisely today while capital is still abundant.但是,中国不可能总是有大量资金。当前,趁着资金仍然充裕,中国需要更明智地花钱。

9.In a country awash with guns where central authority has always been weak, such tensions tend to be expressed violently.在这个充斥着枪支弹药的国家,中央政府也一直无力管理,所以这种紧张气氛很容易愈演愈烈。

10.If the Middle Awash team is right in its interpretation, Ar. ramidus is indeed nothing at all pke a modern chimp or gorilla.如果中阿瓦什研究团队对阿迪的解释是正确的,那意味着地猿始祖种与现代的黑猩猩与大猩猩一点关联都没有。