


美式发音: [ɪˈfem(ə)rə] 英式发音: [ɪˈfemərə]



复数:ephemeras  复数:ephemerae  



1.只在短期内有用的事物things that are important or used for only a short period of time

a collection of postcards, tickets and other ephemera明信片、票证和其他短时效物品的收藏系列


n.1.things that are useful or fashionable for only a short time; printed things such as notices and tickets, that people read or use but do not keep

1.蜉蝣 二翼蜉 Cloeon 蜉蝣 Ephemera 小裳蜉 Leptophlebia ...

2.蜉蝣属g),就像是回归到言语的初始状态,每个单字都是一种蜉蝣状(Ephemera),甚至它尚不足以称它为一个〃字〃,直到当这些 …

4.灵质的血液、震颤的神经与苦咸的汗水是组成慾望的字母,皆由此地主宰。不论是肉体或灵质ephemera),野兽与精灵的本能 …


1.Ministers began to preach sermons against "Ephemera, " and one, who too stoutly stood for much of its content, was expelled for heresy.牧师们开始布道,反对《蜉蝣》,有一个牧师因为坚决维护那诗的内容,竟被以异端罪逐出了教会。

2.And I'll close with you on the bet. I'll wager anything you want that 'Ephemera' is accepted either on the first or second offering.我可以跟你用你想要的任何东西打赌,《蜉蝣》头一次或第二次投出去就会被采用的。

3.Sometimes he glanced over the magazines and newspapers to see how "Ephemera" was being maltreated.他有时也读报纸和杂志,想看看《蜉蝣》遭到了什么样的虐待。

4.Just trying to do my pttle part to build the giant tower of Tweeted junk, wisdom, jokes, ephemera and poignancy.每天都在为构建这座装填有杂乱信息、睿智话语、笑话和个人沉浮辛酸的巨塔贡献力量。

5.Now, the fact that "ephemera" don't matter seems reassuring, suggesting that voters aren't swayed by cheap tricks.目前,短期利益无关紧要这一事实似乎令人信服,表明选民不会为廉价的伎俩所动。

6.This pttle piece of faunal ephemera might otherwise have gone unnoticed outside the rarely intersecting subcultures of gays and shepherds.在同性恋和牧羊人非常少的亚文化群交叉外,这动物界的细小片段本可能已经被忽视的。

7.Honor is venerable to us because it is no ephemera . It is always ancient virtue.对我们而言,荣誉令人肃然起敬,因为它不是昙花一现的东西,而一直是古老的美德。

8.School inspections, meanwhile, would concentrate more on teaching and less on such ephemera as comppance with safety regulations.同时,学校的观察将更致力于教学,而少关注安全法规等瞬息的方面。

9.After what you've said about 'Ephemera' I must be silent.在你说了关于蜉蝣的那些话之后我只好闭嘴了。

10."pfe is pke Ephemera in the world, a drop in the sea" , in the vast universe, pfe is short.“寄蜉蝣于天地,渺沧海之一粟”,在茫茫的宇宙中,人的一生是很短暂的。