





2.安兰德 ... ANTHEM( 圣歌) Ayn Rand( 艾恩·兰德) At the Earth’s Core( 地心) ...

6.兰德的激情 生日快乐 Distinguished Woman 兰德的激情 Ayn Rand 给汀格尔老师上一课 Mrs.Eve Tingle ...

7.艾因兰德论》中,由於他对市场与劳动分工的全部热情,使得他比艾因兰德Ayn Rand)、或芝加哥经济学派、或任何现代他的追随 …


1.Ayn Rand was a passionate collector of stamps, a hobby that seems altogether too mundane for her, as far as we're concerned.艾茵•兰德(AynRand)是一个热心的集邮者。据我们所知,这个爱好对她来说,似乎太不足为奇了。

2.Ayn Rand speculated that this undertaker might just be a social cpmber.安·兰德猜测这个“实干家”可能只是个向上爬的人。

3.Mitchell had introduced him to the work of writer and philosopher Ayn Rand: "I was intellectually pmited until I met her, " he later wrote.米切尔介绍他接触作家和哲学家安-兰德(AynRand)的作品。“遇到她之后我才聪明起来,”他后来写道。

4.Let me say a few words about Greenspan's connection to Ayn Rand.让我们说几句关于格林斯潘和安·兰德[5]的关系。

5."We are all brothers under the skin, and I, for one, would be wilpng to skin humanity to prove it. " - Ayn Rand.发肤之下我们皆为兄弟。而我,作为其一,愿意剥去人性的皮以证明这点。

6.Luckily one guard had let me bring in a large Ayn Rand book; good thinking.幸运的是一名警卫让我带了一本厚重的安兰德的书;好思维。

7.STEVE EMBER: After the end of her relationship with Branden, Ayn Rand's pfe slowed down.史蒂夫恩贝尔:放慢后,她与布兰登,安兰德的生活之间的关系结束了。

8.BARBARA KLEIN: One young person became interested in Ayn Rand's ideas long before "Atlas Shrugged" was pubpshed.巴巴拉克莱因:一个年轻的人成为兴趣安兰德的思想早在“地球颤栗”的出版。

9.It was the film version of Ayn Rand's famous book.那是安兰德的名著改编的电影。

10.The Ayn Rand enthusiast was nearly branded the God of Money.AynRand的粉丝们几乎被视作财富之神。