




1.洛杉矶道奇队区捷运(BART) 董事会做出决定,关闭抗议地点的所有手机信号。洛杉矶道奇棒球队Los Angeles Dodgers)暴力攻击巨人 …

3.美国棒球队洛杉矶道奇 ... 纽约洋基队 New York Yankees 洛杉机道奇队 Los Angeles Dodgers 辛辛那提红人 Cincinnati R…

5.洛杉矶道奇队是 ... MLB 大联盟的 Los Angeles Dodgers 洛杉矶道奇队是 Figueroa St 往北, ...


1.He made his only start last season against the Los Angeles Dodgers, earning the victory by allowing two runs and three hits in six innings.他才开始上反季节的洛杉矶道奇队,赢得了胜利,使两线和三命中,在六个回合。

2.Rumor has it that, prior to signing Wang officially, the other major competitor against the Nationals was the Los Angeles Dodgers.王建民最后会选择国民,主要还是考量到在国民能先发的机会远大于道奇队。

3.It took me to task for my comments on the Los Angeles Dodgers and argued that I had got everything wrong.我花了任务为我的评论道奇与认为我就把一切都错了。

4.The two sppt afterwards, and Rihanna has moved on and is currently dating Los Angeles Dodgers baseball star Matt Kemp.两人之后分手,蕾哈娜继续她的生活,现在在与洛杉矶道奇棒球明星马特肯普交往。

5.It was written by someone who knew the Los Angeles Dodgers as well as I thought I did.写这篇评论的人对洛杉矶道奇队的了解绝不亚于我自认为对它的了解。

6.It all began two decades ago, following a Taylor walk-out from Jackson's concert in Los Angeles Dodgers Stadium in the 1980s.这一切都是二十年前开始的,二十世纪80年代的洛杉矶体育场,泰勒在杰克逊的音乐会上突然离席。

7.A pubpc memorial will be held next week (September 12) at the baseball stadium for the Los Angeles Dodgers (Dodger Stadium).下个星期将为这两名消防员在洛杉矶道奇棒球场举行公众悼念仪式。

8.and that China has begun to buy American real estate and other assets (including, perhaps, the Los Angeles Dodgers).中国已经开始购买美国的房地产和其他资产(可能也包括洛杉矶道奇队)。

9.eg. In Los Angeles, you can expect the home crowd cheer for the Los Angeles Dodgers.在洛杉矶,你会看到主场观众自然会为洛杉矶道琼斯对加油。

10.LAD : Los Angeles Dodgers (baseball team)中文全称:洛杉矶道奇队的(棒球)