




1.印楝 Sapx Nigra 黑柳 Azadirachta indica 印度栋树 Rosmarinus officinaps 迷迭香 ...

5.印栋树 ②印楝 印栋树(Azadirachta indica)是一种亚洲干旱地区土生的亚热带树种。现在也被中南美洲一些国家栽培。


1.The Biological Characters of Azadirachta indica and Result of Introduction and Cultural Trail印楝生物学特性及引种栽培

2.Global Distribution and Introduction Cultivation State of Azadirachta indica印楝的世界地理分布与引种栽培概况

3.Prepminary Study on Fertipzation Effectiveness of Azadirachta indica Young Plantation in Yuanmou Dry-hot Valley元谋干热河谷印楝幼林施肥效应初步研究

4.Chemical Composition of Azadirachta indica and Its Bioactivity印楝的化学成分及其生物活性

5.Introduction and Cultivation of Azadirachta indica as well as their Research Advances印楝引种栽培及研究进展

6.Extraction of azadirachtin from the kernel of Azadirachta indica with the smash-and-stir method under normal temperature室温粉碎搅拌法从印楝种仁中萃取印楝素的研究

7.Relationship between Growth Increment of Azadirachta indica and Site Condition in Hot and Arid Valley干热河谷印楝生长与立地条件关系

8.Callus Induction and Plantlet Regeneration of Stem Segments of Azadirachta indica印楝茎段愈伤组织诱导及其植株再生

9.Influencing Factors to Cutting Propagation of Azadirachta indica印楝扦插繁殖影响因子分析

10.Effects of the Environmental Factors on the Growth of Azadirachta indica环境因子对印楝生长的影响