




1.结局第二个结局(bad end )-老番dvd结局.主角死左http://www.youtube网址被屏蔽/watch?v=aiaNwpxdLAc 发表意见 发表 取消 [ 检举 ] 擅长 …

2.坏结局第14集纯属骗钱的,那是坏结局BAD END),看看得了,我只把13集当结局。。问问团队 橘子联盟` 共1人编辑答案 2011-0…

3.结局一  结局一BAD END):使用水壶浇柜子上的食人花,点花,结束。  结局二(BAD END):  a. 右转,回到浴缸画面,点左下角 …

4.错误的结局但是这是错误的结局(bad end),因此时间又重新轮回了. 第二章「Crazy ∞ Night」 => 由於上一次的故事结局是bad end, 因此故 …

5.结局二  结局二BAD END):  a. 右转,回到浴缸画面,点左下角的地漏,使用螺丝刀打开,拿到橡皮鸭子。

6.结局画面先提一下 Game 版本的部分结局画面 (Bad End)

7.结局会发生的事做了预言关于故事,作者貌似有点迫不及待的在第1本就把结局会发生的事做了预言Bad End),并且让这个预言成为主线贯穿始终, …


1.Only a few people warned that this supercharged financial system might come to a bad end.只有少数的人警告,这种过度活跃的金融体系可能会导致一个不好的结果。

2.The New Testament Gospels disagree on the details but leave no doubt that Judas came to a bad end.尽管新约的福音书中对于细节的描写并不统一,但毫无疑问的是其后的犹大不得善终。

3."This was the result of treason and traitors always meet a bad end, " Mr Putin said.“这是有人叛国造成的,而叛国者的下场总是很悲惨,”普京说。

4.The dullard's envy of brilpant men is always assuaged by the suspicion that they will come to a bad end. (Max Beerbohm).蠢人对智者的妒忌总是被智者将不得善终的怀疑所平息。(麦克斯·比尔博姆)。

5.An old workwoman who once saw her laughing and singing in this fashion said, "There's a girl who will come to a bad end . "有个年老的女工,一次,看见她那样边唱边笑,说道:“这姑娘不会有好结果的。”

6.Movie mummies are known for two things: fabulous riches and a nasty curse that brings treasure hunters to a bad end.电影中的木乃伊因两件事为人所知:巨额的财富和给寻宝者带来恶果的讨厌诅咒。

7."No one who loves the way of grace ever comes to a bad end, " Jack mother's says. "Unless you love, your pfe will flash by. "“感悟神恩的人都会有好的结果,”杰克的母亲说,“只有爱,生命才有意义。”

8.Her mother was sure she would come to a bad end because of the way her husband took her under his wings.她妈妈认为她的丈夫生那样娇惯她,她将来一定不会有什么好结果。

9.Like many misers , Roucolle came to a bad end through putting his money into a wildcat scheme.跟很多吝啬鬼一样,鲁科勒因为钱被人骗走而下场悲惨。

10.If you think the end is near. You should bepeve that : after a bad end there`s always a good start.如果你觉得事情终于要结束了,请相信:一个坏的结果之后,总会有一个好的结果。