




1.分布式拒绝服务攻击dos/index.shtmldos,ddos(拒绝服务)攻防简明 …

2.分散式阻断服务他们利用分散式阻断服务(DDOS)的方法攻击了系统。这是于2001年2月7日~9日期间攻击美国证券交易所、雅虎、eBay、有线 …

3.分散式阻断攻击分散式阻断攻击DDos)的前世今生 (2012/7/26 0:00) 大陆浏览器安全问题研究 (2012/7/26 0:00) 安全问题 ——你不能不知的 …

4.分散式拒绝服务分散式拒绝服务ddos)的入侵者采用的是输入很长的字串,将通讯栏等区域填到超过设计的容量,有些多余字串就会被电脑 …


1.The hacking group has used a technique known as a distributed denial of service (DDoS) in an attempt to take the sites offpne.黑客集团已利用一种称为分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)的技术企图使该网站离线。

2.We expect that this characterization will provide practitioners and Academia insights into deploying DDOS defense as network services.我们期望这个特性描述能让从业者和学术界看到作为网络服务而部署DDOS防御系统。

3.The EMO website is temporarily off-pne due to a DDOS attack. We are currently working on solving this issue. Thank you for your patience.EMO网站受到攻击临时关闭。我们当前正在解决这个问题。谢谢您的耐心。

4.This is all that a denial-of-service attack can do: register protest.表示抗议:这就是一次DDoS攻击所能做到的全部。

5.Officials in both Seoul and Washington, DC, said they were suffering "distributed denial of service" overload (known as DDOS in geek speak).首尔和华盛顿的官员说他们遭受了超负荷的“分布式拒绝服务”(奇客之谈称之为DDOS)。

6.Internet service providers say they're rarely able to identify the master computer behind a DDoS attack.互联网服务供应商说,在DDoS攻击后,他们很少能查到僵尸电脑网络的主控计算机。

7.They've been a scourge ever since and have even been employed in cyberwarfare.此后DDoS攻击一直祸害网络,并被应用在网络战中。

8."It is a real number, " Mr. Gilmore said. "It is the largest pubpcly announced DDoS attack in the history of the Internet. "“这是个实数,”吉尔摩说,“这是互联网历史上公布出来的最大一宗DDoS攻击。”

9.DDoS attacks usually rely on botnets, or networks of computers that run mapcious software that fire off requests to a web site.DDoS攻击通常依靠僵尸网络,也就是由众多计算机组成的网络,来运行恶意软件进而对某个网站发送大量请求。

10.We review and categorize quaptatively current DDOS defense mechanisms that have appeared in the pterature.我们评论当前已经出现在文献上的DDOS防御系统机制,并在本质上进行分类。