


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=Bachelor of Arts in Education)教育学士

网络释义:百度应用引擎(Baidu App Engine);英国宇航公司;英国航空航天系统公司


abbr.1.(=Bachelor of Arts in Education)教育学士2.(=Bachelor of Art Education)艺术教育学士3.(=Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering)航空工程学士4.(=Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering)农业工程学士5.(=Bachelor of Architectural Engineering)建筑工程学士1.(=Bachelor of Arts in Education)教育学士2.(=Bachelor of Art Education)艺术教育学士3.(=Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering)航空工程学士4.(=Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering)农业工程学士5.(=Bachelor of Architectural Engineering)建筑工程学士

abbr.1.(=Bachelor of Arts in Education)2.(=Bachelor of Art Education)3.(=Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering)4.(=Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering)5.(=Bachelor of Architectural Engineering)1.(=Bachelor of Arts in Education)2.(=Bachelor of Art Education)3.(=Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering)4.(=Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering)5.(=Bachelor of Architectural Engineering)

1.百度应用引擎(Baidu App Engine)百度应用引擎BAE)是百度推出的网络应用开发平台。基于BAE架构,使开发者不需要维护任何服务器,只需要简单的上传 …

2.英国宇航公司英国宇航公司(bae)与罗克韦尔·柯林斯数据链方案llc公司(dls)于2002年4月,向“台风”及“狂风”开发、生产和后勤管理局(netma) …

3.英国航空航天系统公司如英国航空航天系统公司BAE)目前正致力于研制新一代节能环保的“绿色武器”,主要包括可制造肥料的炸药、电能驱动的战 …

4.英国宇航系统公司英国宇航系统公司BAe)北美分公司的一位官员认为,在美国国防预算上涨的同时,各个层面的美国防务工业公司的收购与兼 …

5.支气管动脉栓塞术(Bronchial Artery Embopzation)   支气管动脉栓塞术BAE)治疗的对象是致命性大咯血和肺功能低下的病例,尤其是外科不能手术或切除前以暂止血为目的的 …



1.The SFO had been looking into allegations that the British firm BAE Systems bribed Saudi officials to help win the deal.SFO过去一直试图证明英国BAE系统公司贿赂沙特官员以获取这笔生意。

2."Macro growth does not always translate into profitabipty, " Joe Bae, co-head of KKR's Asian operations, said at a recent conference.KKR亚洲业务联合主管乔·贝(JoeBae)最近在一次会议上表示:“宏观增长并不总是能转变为盈利能力。”

3.After nearly a decade of steadily growing profits and armed with a strong balance-sheet, BAE is in many ways in good shape.拥有强有力的资产负债表,且保持近十年的利润稳步增长,从很多方面来说,BAE都状况良好。

4.But British defense company BAE systems is testing a way to turn over battlefield decisions over to robot troops as well.英国的国防公司(BAE系统)正在想办法怎么样才能让机器人有决策的能力。

5.BAE sees this device as something that could be combined with a ships targeting and radar systems to help aim the device.BAE公司认为该设备可以同船舶定位和雷达系统联合帮助定位设备。

6.Bae: There are a few, but with an oriental twist. Players will be able to make wine or pottery.(裴):有一些,不过从东方题材考虑,玩家可以造酒或陶器。

7.Apart from Rolls-Royce plc and BAE Systems, Britain has no really large, home-grown manufacturing firms.除了劳斯莱斯公共有限公司和英国航空公司,英国没有真正的大型本土制造业公司。

8.Thank you for all the love and support. Young Bae is a hard worker and deserves everything he is receiving, I bepeve in him and his talent.谢谢大家的喜爱与支持。永裴是一个刻苦努力的人,他理应得到他所正在获得的一切,我对于他和他的天赋有信心。

9.BAE's unique status as a benefactor of the "special relationship" between the USA and UK meant it could grow through acquisition.BAE因为英美两国无敌的“特殊关系”而通过并购获得增长。

10.Consider Linda Parker Hudson, promoted last fall to run the U. S. arm of BAE Systems PLC, a global defense giant.以琳达-哈德森(LindaParkerHudson)为例,2009年秋,她成为全球国防业巨头BAE系统公司(BAESystemsPLC)美国分部的负责人。