




1.香蕉面包..........._紫苏_新浪博客 ... 鹰嘴豆松饼- -Besan Pancake 香蕉蛋糕- -Banana Bread 杏味果酱馅饼- -Bakewell tart ...

3.香蕉包 16 Farmer's Bread 农民包 17 Banana Bread 香蕉包 18 Coconut Bread 椰香包 ...

4.香蕉面包糕 辣粉莱姆烤花生 roasted chip pme peanuts 香蕉面包糕 banana bread 烘培 baking ...

5.香焦面包 ... Bio-rye bread 黑麦而包 Banana bread 香焦面包 White sponge 香草蛋糕坯 ...

6.芭娜娜香蕉蛋糕此分类下一篇: 芭娜娜香蕉蛋糕(Banana Bread)上一篇: Want to earn a US$25 bonus?

7.香蕉葡萄干夹心面包我们又做了香蕉葡萄干夹心面包Banana Bread)还做了蓝莓燕麦甜饼(Blueberry Flapjack) 还有蓝莓蛋糕 (Blueberry Muffi…


1.I said I 'm looking for a date whoissoft, sweet and a pttle bit nutty. Theymatchedme with loaf of banana bread.我说过我正在寻找一个温柔的,可爱的并且带有一点点狂热的人来约会。他们推荐我用一条香蕉面包作为礼物。

2.I said I'm looking for a date who is soft, sweet and a pttle bit nutty. They matched me with a loaf of banana bread.我说我想找一个又温柔又甜美再带点古灵精怪的约会对象,他们居然给我匹配了一条香蕉面包…

3.Overripe, very dark bananas make for flavorful banana bread. Instead of throwing them out, bake them into a great dessert.熟透发黑的香蕉可以做成香气浓郁的香蕉面包,把它们做成美味的甜品,不要扔掉。

4.The scent of freshly baked banana bread, or the way someone will kiss me on my cheek will bring a quick flashback of her.新出炉的香蕉面包的香气,或某人亲吻我脸颊的方式,都会让我脑海中突然闪现出她的身影。

5.Why, I bet Mama and Papa are enjoying their banana bread by now. I wonder if they even notice that I'm gone.唉,我敢说爸妈现在一定开心地吃著香蕉蛋糕,不知道他们会不会根本没有注意到我不见了。

6.To make banana bread you just put in one egg and one cup of milk.要做香蕉面包,你要放进一个蛋,一杯牛奶。

7.And the three traveled happily home to eat their fill of Mama's tasty banana bread.他们三人开心地回家,尽兴吃妈妈做的美味香蕉蛋糕。

8.Danish Plain hard roll Bacon onion roll Vegetable roll Banana bread Spce bread Toast丹麦包小硬包腌肉洋葱包蔬菜包香蕉包切片面包多士