


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˈbærit]






4.巴莱特间上后发的东西在逻辑上的预先莅临,正是在此意义上,巴丽特Barrett)指出,拉克劳和莫菲‘不是在不留痕迹地消灭马克 …


8.贝瑞氏病胃食道逆流如不好好治疗,会造成食道炎,甚至吸入性肺炎以及睡眠呼吸中止症候症;如有贝瑞氏病Barrett)者,则会增加 …


1.After the inquest Ms Barrett said: "He spent half and half of his time between us. He was just a very good par. "在审讯结束后,巴雷特女士说:“他把自己的时间平分给两个家庭。他真是个优秀的骗子。”

2.They continued to see each other regularly, and, thanks to an unseasonably warm winter, Barrett's health began to improve.他们继续如常见面。多亏那年出现了反常的暖冬,巴雷特的健康开始好转。

3.The study can't sort that out. But Barrett said it might be a bit of both.研究未能解决这一问题,但是Barrett说有可能两者相辅相成。

4.It is often found in people with acid reflux disease and itself increases the risk of cancer.Barrett食管常见于存在胃食管返流病的患者中,并且有癌变风险。

5.The magistrates gave credit to Barrett for an early guilty plea and accepted its mitigation that the company had co-operated with the EA.裁判给信贷巴雷特早日认罪,并接受其缓解该公司的共同运作的EA。

6.On August 15th the mayor, Tom Barrett, was leaving the Wisconsin State Fair when he heard a woman cry out for help in the parking lot.八月十五日,市长汤姆巴雷特参加完威斯康星州会展活动正欲离去,忽然听到停车场传来女人的求救声。

7."Healthcare is the Achilles heel of the US in terms of competitiveness, " said Mr Barrett in an interview with the Financial Times.贝瑞特在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示:“就竞争力而言,医疗保健是美国的致命弱点。”

8.Richard Boyd Barrett is a poptical activist with the Ireland-based group People Before Profit. He said Mr. Cowen should go now.博伊德-巴雷特是爱尔兰“人民高于利润”组织的政治活动家。他说,考恩现在就应该走人。

9.I hope , Mr . Barrett , that this special shipment will compensate in part for the trouble we have caused to you.巴雷特先生,我希望此次特殊的运货能部分补给你方带来的麻烦。

10.In Barrett's case, she's been able to take on more roles as her boss has disengaged from the company.按巴瑞特的情况,因为她的上司脱离了公司,她已经能够承担更多的角色。