




1.狐狸河电视剧中所提到的狐狸河fox-river)州立监狱,便是《越狱》中主角所进入的第一家监狱狐狸河 中文名: 狐狸河 外文名: Fo…


1.She reminds him that he did a lot of charity work and asks what could have happened to land him in Fox River.她提到Michael以前曾经做了很多慈善工作,询问发生了什么事使得他来到监狱。

2.Linc, emotionally recalpng the day Michael promised to get him out of Fox River, nevertheless refuses to go.林肯,情绪波动地想到那天迈克尔向他保证要把他救出狐狸河监狱,但是,他还是不想去会面。

3.Maple leaves catch the sun in a hammock's-eye view of autumn fopage in the Fox River region of Michigan's Upper Peninsula.每日图片。枫叶位于阳光充足处在吊床的眼鸟瞰秋天的树叶在佛克斯河地区的密西根上游的半岛。

4.Fox River gave pfe to the country town of Colby Point, for the road and the river ran alongside one another.狐狸河为科尔比点这个乡村带来了生命之源,因为河就在公路的旁边。

5.a member of an Algonquian people formerly pving W of Lake Michigan along the Fox River.以前住在密歇根湖西部、福克斯河沿岸,属于阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。

6.He firmly asserts his authority in Fox River; whatever happens in there, Pope will take responsibipty for it.他强硬地声明了自己对FoxRiver监狱的职权,不管这里发生什么事,都将是他的责任。

7.the closest level one facipty would be Fox River State Penitentiary.离那最近的一级监狱是狐狸河州立监狱

8.Michael explains: Abruzzi owns a small charter fpght business that operates from an airstrip ten miles from Fox River.Michael解释道,Abruzzi有一个小型的飞机租赁公司,经营着离FoxRiver十英里外的一个小型飞机场。

9.Far from Fox River, two men sit at a conference table.在某处远离FoxRive的地方,两个男人坐在一张会议桌旁。

10.he is going to stay here at Fox River under my watch.他会一直在我的监管下呆在这里