


英文单词:广播理事会(Broadcasting Board of Governors);亮蓝g(brilliant blue G);广播董事会


1.广播理事会(Broadcasting Board of Governors)垄断问题,1958年加拿大再次颁布新的广播法,有“广播董事会”(BBG)负责管理所有公共和私营广播电视.1961年,一个全国性的商 …

4.广播管理委员会 酷派 COOLPAD 步步高 BBG 宏基 ACER ...


1.The bbg heard that God had come to his neck of the woods and went to meet with Him.那个大坏蛋听说到神已来到他那块就去见他。

2.God asked him to forgive and forget the darkness and come home to stay, but the bbg spit in His face and cried 'Never!神要求他宽恕并遗忘黑暗,回家呆着,但是那个大坏蛋朝神脸上吐口水叫喊道“做梦!”

3."FOE messages are compressed and encoded so normal keyword-filtering technologies won't be able to censor, " the BBG report said.广播理事会的报告说,“FOE的文电被压缩和编码,普通的关键词过滤技术将无法检查到。”

4.BBG-BBGM are recognized leaders in our design fields and consistently rank among the top design firm worldwide.BBGM是设计领域公认的领导者,一直跻身全球顶尖设计公司行列。

5.A big bad guy [bbg] wanted to be like God and have his own creation to rule.一个大坏蛋BBG想要成为神,有一片自己的领土。

6.So borders were established and the Federation of Light, God's forces, quarantined the area while the bbg and his dark forces went to work.然后边界被划定,神的势力光之联邦隔离了这个区域,而大坏蛋以及他的暗势力去那里统治。

7.This channel works under the sole authority of Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG).该频道在广播管理委员会(BBG)直接领导下工作。

8.BBG was founded in 1984 and BBGM was founded in 1987. Both firms have offices in New York City; Shanghai, China; and Washington, DC.BBG成立于1984年,BBGM成立于1987年,在美国纽约、华盛顿特区以及中国上海均有办公室。

9.BBG, I want to be with you forever.bbg我想永远和你在一起。

10.I also want to thank Marc Nathanson, who's the chairman of BBG.我还要感谢广播管理董事会的主席,马克·内桑森。
