


美式发音: 英式发音: 

英文单词:体心立方;基底细胞癌(basal cell carcinoma);英国商会(British Chambers of Commerce)


na.1网站屏蔽ed in an e-mail for saying that a copy of the e-mail is being sent to the person mentioned, but that the person you are sending the e-mail to is not being told this

1.体心立方在体心立方bcc)金属中, 四面体间隙的中心位于  附图 上传图片 为本词条添加视频和组图相关影像 开放分类:我来补充 本 …

2.基底细胞癌(basal cell carcinoma)至于基底细胞癌(BCC),如果完全切除,复发率小于l%,因此,该损害很可能并不需要随访。但是,有一处BCC的患者在其他 …

3.英国商会(British Chambers of Commerce)据英国商会BCC)今日公布的研究称,难以找到合适的员工阻碍了所谓“微型企业”发展的雄心。该研究发现,尽管超过一半(…

4.密送(Blind Carbon Copy)用密送BCC) 只能看到收件人和cc的。想问,我给①、②、③、④的人发邮件,但①看邮件时只能看到收件人是①,②看 …

5.密件抄送在密件抄送(BCC)字段内. 问个rdns的问题 Email 原理&网络协议 5 3613 粑粑吃 2008-5-7 15:30:22 如果昌用的地址,一般不会是 …

6.密件副本密件副本 BCC传回 MailItem 的密件副本 (BCC) 名称的显示栏表格。 此属性仅包括显示名称。

7.暗送暗送(BCC):用户给收件人发出邮件的同时把该邮件暗中发送给另外的人,但所有“收件人”都不会知道发件人把该邮件发给了哪 …


1.A few days later the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) added that the latest increase would have "serious implications" for firms.数日后,英国商会又称,最近一次最低工资标准的上涨可能会“严重殃及”各公司。

2.BBC legal affairs correspondent Clive Coleman said the decision whether or not to prosecute the soldiers would not be straightforward.BCC法律事务记者克里夫.柯曼(CliveColeman)说,决定是否起诉士兵并不容易。

3.This book brings together the BCC Spring School lectures and presents them in a coherent and logical text on practical colloid science.这本书集合BCC春天学校演讲并且在在实际的胶质科学上的一份前后一致和合乎逻辑的正文里提出他们。

4.The surface layer obtained was composed of the bcc nitride of tantalum instead of orthorhombic oxide.膜层物相由钽的氧化物变为氮化物。

5.We present a case report of a patient with an extensive BCC with histologic documentation and probable bone metastasis of BCC.本病例报告,患者广泛基底细胞癌组织学文件和可能存在的骨转移的基底细胞癌。

6.MaxMimeRecipients This limit specifies the total number of recipients that are allowed in the To: , Cc: , and Bcc: fields.MaxMimeRecipients此限制指定“收件人:”、“抄送:”和“密件抄送:”字段中允许的收件人总数。

7.This email is Bcc to all on my list so those who are not familiar with this protector may have a look of what he looks like.此电邮以密件传给我名单中所有的人,以便那些不认识这位护法的人,得以看到怹长相的样子。

8.The differential diagnosis for a cystic neck mass includes BCC, thymic cyst, lymphangioma, cystic schwannoma, and necrotic lymph node.颈部囊性肿块的鉴别诊断包块腮裂囊肿(BCC),胸腺囊肿、囊性神经鞘瘤、坏死的淋巴结。

9.The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) is preparing a report calling for a big rethink of Britain's laissez-faire export policy.英国商会正在起草一份报告来呼吁对政府放任自流的出口政策的反思。

10.An analysis of principle of a BCC for measuring ion beam density and the main reasons related to the measuring accuracy were presented.分析了偏压电荷收集器测量强流脉冲离子束的原理和影响测量准确度的主要因素;