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英文单词:占领华尔街(Occupy Wall Street);线上网路服务(Online Web Services);占领华尔街运动



1.占领华尔街(Occupy Wall Street)

3.占领华尔街运动占领华尔街运动OWS)引领了过去六个多月的街头斗争。其凭借大胆的创造性战术直面银行家、政客和公司力量,揭露了华 …


1.Some Democrats are remaining silent on the matter of OWS, while others are using the movement to foster their own goals.当某些民主党人还在保持缄默的时候,其他人却正在利用此项运动来达致自己的目标。

2.He organises a Manhattan-based group called Tea Party 365, and has been interested to see how the OWS shapes up by comparison.他组织了一个以曼哈顿当地人为主名叫茶党365的团体。而且他对通过比较,“占领华尔街”会有多强烈感兴趣。

3.The "we" of OWS is worldwide, a globalized, networked "we" full of good and bad existing simultaneously and everywhere.OWS中的“我们”就是世界性的,全球化和网络化的“我们”,鱼龙混杂且无处不在。

4.But then I looked a little more closely and saw that it wasn't an Occupy fleece, but one that read "OWS Capital Management. "但接下来我再仔细看看,就发现它并不是占领运动的羊毛衫,上面写的是OWS资本管理公司(OWSCapitalManagement)。

5.But the irony of a money management firm named OWS was just too much.但一家投资管理公司名叫OWS,实在是太具讽刺意味了。

6.A Movement is Born: As #OWS (twitter hash tag for Occupy Wall Street) spreads across the country, people are realizing, it's time to live!“一个运动诞生了:当#OWS(“佔领华尔街”的推特标签)传遍整个国家,人民开始意识到,是时候要活著了!”

7.This paper based on OGC SFS and OWS frame has designed a set of GIS engine of multi source and heterogeneous spatial data interoperability.本文从OGC的SFS及OWS框架出发设计了一套面向多源异构空间数据互操作的GIS引擎。

8.Among those who agree with OWS "aims" are as many as a third of self-identified Republicans.赞同占领华尔街“目标”的受访者中,有多达三分之一称自己支持共和党。

9.OWS is now even less loved than the positively ancient tea-party movement.这项运动现在甚至比积极的古老茶党运动更加不受欢迎。

10.Last week a poll by the National Journal found that 59 per cent either fully or strongly agreed with the "aims" of OWS.美国《国家杂志》(NationalJournal)上月进行的一份民调显示,59%的受访者对占领华尔街的“目标”完全或强烈赞同。