


英文单词:死党(best friends forever);卵泡液;一辈子的好朋友(best friend forever)


1.死党(best friends forever) ... bosom friends 知心密友 BFF:best friend forever 一辈子的好朋友 Have/ share many things in common 有很多共同点 ...


1.The challenge now for us is to make sure we get known. -You know that we're BFF, we ain't got to be alone.现在面临的挑战是让大家了解我们。—你知道我们是永远的好朋友,我们不会孤独。

2.The plan is to build "My New BFF" into a global franchise, with Hilton searching for BFFs around the world.该计划是建立“我的新BFF”成为一个全球专营权,希尔顿寻找世界各地的BFF。

3.If you're craving more independence, you don't have to break up with your boo or BFF to claim it.如果你正渴望更多的独立,你并不需要用和你最好的朋友掰面儿来证明。

4.For those of you who insist on using petty things like vowels and consonants, BFF is slang for Best Friends Forever.对你们中坚持要用元音和辅音这些小东西的人来说,BFF表示永远最好的朋友。

5.Can't wait to tell your BFF that you just read that Snooki is pregnant?你是不是等不及要告诉最好的朋友你刚看到妮可怀孕了?

6.They will hold grudges, whether it's with you, or their former bff, for years .她们会抱怨上好几年,不管是和你或者是和她们的前任。

7.Your BFF freshman year may not make it to sophomore & beyond.大一所谓最好的好朋友到了大二不见得还是朋友。

8.BFF have analysed the potential offered by ZED products for'one planet living'within the UK.BFF为英国的‘一颗星生活空间’分析了ZED产品的潜能。

9.If she fears your judgment, she's going to go to her misinformed BFF instead of coming to you.如果她害怕听到你对事情的判断,她将会让带给她误导的永远的好朋友来取代你。

10.Therefore, adding 10% of mixing BFF in maturation medium could be the best choice.因此,成熟培养液中以添加10%的混合BFF较为适宜。
