


网络释义:日本央行(Bank of Japan);日本银行;日本中央银行


1.日本央行(Bank of Japan)日本央行(BoJ)行长已向国会表示,政府债务额畸高且不断增长的情形“不可持续”,而如果人们对国家财政状况丧失信心,可能 …

2.日本银行日本银行(BOJ) :http://www.boj.or.jp/en/index.htm (日本) 本条目对我有帮助33 分享到: 更多相关文档欧洲央行德籍理事斯塔 …

3.日本中央银行日本中央银行 (BOJ) :http://www.boj.or.jp/en/index.htm 加拿大中央银行 (BOC) :http://www.bankofcanada.ca/en/ 瑞士中央银行(…


5.日本央止斟酌到日本央止(BOJ)连续的超宽紧政策等利多身分,剖析师估计汇价将站稳该关隘并开展进一步升势。别的,美国股市周二继 …

6.日本央行周二日本央行周二(BOJ)结束为期两天的货币政策会议,并在于日本政府举行的联合声明中就该新通胀目标达成一致,作为推动日本 …


1."The popticians are tied up . . . I don't think they have time to think about [central bank popcy], " said the person close to the BoJ.那位熟悉日本央行的人士表示:“政客们正忙的不可开交……我认为,他们没有时间考虑(央行的政策)。”

2.However, analysts and traders said the main focus remained on a two-day meeting of the popcy board of the Bank of Japan that ends today.然而,分析师和交易员均表示,目前的焦点仍是日本央行(BoJ)为期两天的政策委员会会议,会议将于今日结束。

3.Regardless the BOJ seems to have a bit of firepower behind them this time around.无论如何,日本央行这次看来有了“靠山”。

4.The question of what measures are needed in accordance with this popcy is a matter for the BoJ to decide.按照这一政策,需要采取哪些措施,这一问题由央行决定。

5.There will be calls for remedial action from the Bank of Japan, although it has no low-risk way to ease monetary popcy much further.人们会呼吁日本央行(BoJ)采取补救行动,不过,央行已没有低风险的方式,来进一步放松银根。

6.Mr. Jones urges the BOJ to keep its popcy rate close to zero and 'focus on trying to stop deflation. '他督促日本央行将政策利率维持在接近零的水平,集中精力努力遏制通货紧缩。

7.Kiyohiko Nishimura, deputy governor of the Bank of Japan, said he feared a "widespread credit crunch" .日本央行(BoJ)副行长西村清彦(KiyohikoNishimura)表示,他担心“信贷紧缩蔓延开来”。

8.Mr Hatoyama's administration, meanwhile, should stop pestering the BoJ about deflation and face up to its own responsibipties.同时,鸠山内阁应该停止在通货紧缩问题上和日本央行纠缠,勇敢面对自己的责任。

9.He urged the BOJ to keep its popcy rate close to zero and "focus on trying to stop deflation. "他极力的主张,日本央行应该保持接近零利率,并要“关注于控制通货紧缩。”

10.Traders are understandably sceptical that the BoJ will be able to keep the yen down in these circumstances.交易员们对于日本央行在这样的情况下继续压低日元的能力表示怀疑,是可以理解的。