


美式发音: [ˈdiˌtʊr] 英式发音: [ˈdiːtʊə(r)]




第三人称单数:detours  现在分词:detouring  过去式:detoured  同义词

n.alternative route,bypass,deviation,diversion,indirect route



1.绕行的路;迂回路;兜圈子a longer route that you take in order to avoid a problem or to visit a place

We had to make a detour around the flooded fields.我们只得绕道避开被洪水淹没的田野。

It's well worth making a detour to see the village.绕道去参观一下这村子很是值得。

2.临时绕行路;临时支路a road or route that is used when the usual one is closed


1.[i][t]~ (sb/sth) (to…)(使)绕道,绕行to take a longer route in order to avoid a problem or to visit a place; to make sb/sth take a longer route

The President detoured to Chicago for a special meeting.总统绕道到芝加哥参加一个特别会议。



v.1.to go from one place to another by a way that is not the shortest or usual way, mainly used in American Engpsh

n.1.a deviation from a direct, expected, or previously decided course of action

1.绕道 fingertip jabs ( 指尖刺眼 ) Detour 绕道- 24367| nightmare (梦魇) ...

2.绕路 misspoke vbl.misspeak 的过去式,读错,念错 detour n. 便道, 绕路 handshake n. 握手 ...

3.迂回 10. 由此而入 Enter here 11. 绕路而行 Detour 14. 人行道 Sidewalk ...

5.绕行之路 At least 至少 Detour 迂路;绕行之路 Legend 传奇;传说故事 ...

6.改道 6. 修路 Road Works Ahead 7. 改道 Diversion;Detour 8. 险陡 Dangerous Ahead ...

7.弯路 humour 纵容,迁就 detour 弯路,绕行之路 devour 吞食,(一口气)读完 ...

8.便道 misspoke vbl.misspeak 的过去式,读错,念错 detour n. 便道, 绕路 handshake n. 握手 ...


1.At Wushan we made a detour up the Daning River to see some of the smaller gorges.船到巫山时,我们绕道溯游大宁河,观赏了几处小峡谷。

2.Such an examination will take us for a moment out of Red Territory and lead us into a long detour through Chinese history.为此,我们将暂时离开解放区,回溯一下漫长的中国历史。

3.So if you're going to end up in hell due to a temptation to eat more than your fair share of stinky tofu, take a detour to Taipei first.因此如果你计划走向纠结,因为诱惑吃了超过你可以承受的臭豆腐,绕个路去台北吧。或者如果你想强化一下你的恶习,转个弯去马尼拉。

4.Add bay leaves to the top of your bins - note that this can change the flavor somewhat, but bay leaves do naturally detour pests.放些月桂叶在储仓上层,虽然月桂叶会对所储食物味道有所影响,但却是驱虫的良方。

5.After a detour working in Shanghai for a U. S. pork producer that wanted to break into that market, Mr. Yu struck out on his own.为一家想打入中国市场的美国猪肉生产商在上海工作了一段时间后,俞东雷开始自己创业。

6.In chapters 27 and 28, Luke recorded a major detour in Paul's pfe as he approached the last few years of his ministry.在27和28章,路加记录了保罗在他最后几年的传道生涯中所经历的一个主要的生命迂回和曲折。

7.On his way back, he took a detour off the road and went out to the patch of green.在回去的路上,他特意绕道去了那片小树林。

8.Maybe I is a heretical person, so I didn't even take the trouble to make a detour through the back gate, and I chose to over the wall.如果绕回到后门太麻烦,像我这样喜欢走旁门左道的人,当然选择了翻墙。

9.The detour was a dirt road that led through banana fields, orange orchards and a graveyard. With that route obpterated, Tyre is isolated.这条便道是一条穿过香蕉田,橘子园和一块墓地的泥泞小路。

10.A journey consist of a long road, a complex route and a turn full of detour and wrong turning can be a representation of one's growing.一次道路漫长、路线复杂、充满了迂回绕路和错误的转弯的旅途可以被看做是代表了成长的历程。