




1.狮子与我 包列罗舞曲 BOLERO 天生自由 BORN FREE 纽扣与花带 BUTTONS AND BOWS ...

5.电影狮子与我主题曲 ... Ben (麦可杰克森) Born Free (电影狮子与我主题曲) Big,big world 广大的世界 - 艾蜜莉亚 ...

6.奶瓶 Bella Band 托腹带/孕妇装 Born free 奶瓶 Bravado 哺乳文胸 ...

7.新狮子与我 ... Booker 青春强龙 Born Free 新狮子与我 [佛光卫视] Born To Ride 无敌车队 ...

8.贝丽 Earth mama 地球妈妈 Born free 贝丽 Palmer's 雅儿帕玛氏 ...


1.After all you were born free, it is just that they have conditioned you to forget it.毕竟,你是生而自由的,只是他们让你们习惯于忘记你们原本的自由。

2.The promise written down on paper -- "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights" -- is closer at hand.写在纸上的许诺——“人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等”——已经更接近现实。

3.the editorial says. 'We hold that individuals are born free, possessing the right to move freely! '我们崇信人生而自由,人生而拥有自由迁徙之权利!

4."Markets are born free, " writes Mr Wu, "yet no sooner are they born than some would-be emperor is forging chains. "“市场生来就是自由的”,吴先生写道,“但是它们的生成速度快不过某些准帝国的缔造速度。”

5.Animal protection charity, The Born Free Foundation, has condemned the zoo and issued a statement to urge tourists not to visit it.动物保护慈善机构,生而自由基金会,谴责了该动物园,并发表声明,敦促游客不要去那里。

6.Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains. Those who think themselves the masters of others, are indeed greater slaves than they.人生来是自由之身,却无处不枷锁缠身。那些自以为是主子的人,实际上却奴性更强。

7.The first article of the Universal Declaration begins, "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. "《人权宣言》第一条是这样开始的:“人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等。”

8.They promise a different future where all people born free and equal in dignity and rights can fulfil that precious birthright.它们导向一个不一样的未来——人人生而自由,人与人的人格平等,人与生俱来的权利能得以实现。

9.Also she was first to be born free.她也是第一个生来就是自由人的孩子。

10.freedom: Man is born free, but he is always in fetters.自由:人生而自由,却无往不在枷锁之中。