




1.制动单元 ... 非踏面制动 off tread braking 单元制动 brake unit 轮装盘形制动 wheel-mounted disc brake ...

3.松下马达制动单元 brake tube assembly; 制动管总成 brake unit制动器单元 brake valve; …

6.制动模块统主要系由煞车操作把手(Brake Lever)及制动装置(Brake unit)所组成,并藉由煞车钢索作为此二装置之介面,就系统需求的观点, …

8.变换器特价批发松下变换器BRAKE UNIT)DZ9102原装 经营模式:生产厂家 主营产品: 注塑机配件 注塑机耗材 化工溶剂 注塑机 …


1.As an example, the case of undesired braking is discussed with activation of the fail-silent mechanism at the wedge brake unit.作为一个例子,如制动不良,讨论与激活失败沉默机制,楔形制动单元。

2.This can replace a conventional brake unit having a comppcated structure, and therefore, the number of component parts can be reduced.此制动单元可以替换传统的结构复杂制动单元,并且因此,部件部分的数目可以被减小。

3.Check no leakageoverheat for brake unit.检查刹车组件无渗漏过热现象。

4.Current situation of brake unit for freight cars and modification suggestions货车制动装置的现状与改进建议

5.On-board recording and diagnosis system for brake unit of electric locomotive电力机车制动机车载运行记录诊断系统

6.Capacity analysis of brake unit in variable-frequency drilpng rig变频钻机中制动单元的容量分析

7.Actions of Brake Unit with Parking Brake and Analysis in Run带有停放制动的制动单元力的作用原理及运用分析

8.Development of tread block-brake unit for metro vehicle地铁车辆踏面单元制动器的研制

9.Development of new type tread brake unit新型踏面单元制动器的研制

10.Development of computer-based test-bed for brake unit单元制动器微机试验台的研制