

cold steel

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1.利器 cold-short steel 冷脆钢 cold-steel 利器 cold-strip steel 冷轧带钢 ...

2.冷钢 Buck- 巴克 Cold-Steel- 冷钢 KABAR- 卡巴 ...


1.Muskets are not modern assault rifles, and once you'd fired your gun you had to close with the enemy and use cold steel.火枪并不是现代突击步枪(比如AK47),一旦你开了一枪后,你就不得不和敌人贴近拼刺刀了。

2.Our world is much more than the cold steel of the city and green paper everyone seems to want more of.我们的世界不仅仅只有冰冷的钢筋水泥胡城市和没有人想要的绿皮书。

3.Gerenally the weapons refer to all the weapons and equipment during the age of cold steel.广义的兵器是指冷兵器时代所有的作战装备。

4.The bed surface is made of improted cold steel plate by impact molding, to remove rust by ultrasonic, to be anti-impact and stainless.床板床框采用冷轧钢板焊接而成,超声波除锈,表面静电粉末喷涂,抗冲击永不生锈。

5.For an industry where customer service and ambience are paramount, can warm flesh be replaced with cold steel?在对客户的服务和服务环境最为推崇的行业中,有血有肉的人会被冷冰冰的钢铁代替吗?

6.But the feel of the cold steel made me shudder, and I hastily replaced the weapon in my holster.但是冰凉的钢铁让我发抖,我匆忙地把手枪放回枪套里。

7.I think the cold steel is better than it, especially the sharpness. I think the modern Dao is much better than the old one.我倒是觉得冷刚的狗腿比这种刀要好。特别是在锋利各保持度上。我想现代刀比起老刀就要强不少。

8.Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?你能区别绿色的田野和冰冷的钢轨吗?微笑和面纱吗?你认为你能区别吗?

9.Tis the nature of the test. If cold steel is tested in an inferno it will shatter before given a chance to show its true strength.这就是考验的本意,如果一块冰冷的钢铁被放在地狱的烈焰中测试,那么它将来不及展现自己真正的力量就会被熔化掉。

10.Dozens of controllable equipment models, a vast choice of fire-arms, small arms, cold steel and more.可管理的装备模型的一打,的大量的选择火-武器,轻武器,寒冷钢和更多的。