




1.英美烟草公司 black root of tobacco 烟草根黑腐病 British-American Tobacco 英美烟草公司 a fill of tobacco 一袋烟,一烟斗的烟丝 ...

2.英美烟草集团ire and Rubber Company )和英美烟草集团British-American Tobacco);罗纳德. 佩雷尔曼(Ronald Perelman )这个来 …

3.英美菸草公司公司」( Mitsui )在保险业与航运业,以及「英美菸草公司」( British-American Tobacco )、「美孚煤油公司」( United States' S…


1.British American Tobacco also appears to be taking the long view.英美烟草公司(BritishAmericanTobacco)似乎也持长远观点。

2.VTB was the sole bidder in the tender after British American Tobacco Plc (BATS), Europe's largest cigarette maker, pulled out.在欧洲最大的烟草制造商英美烟草退出后,VTB成为唯一的投标人。

3.Competition is increasing in the country and the U. S. as British American Tobacco Plc and Altria Group Inc. jockey for market share.由于英美烟草和奥驰亚集团争夺市场份额,该国和美国的竞争加剧了。

4.British American Tobacco Turkey also increased the price of its products.英美烟草土耳其公司也提高了自己的产品价格。

5.Jan du Plessis, now the chairman of British American Tobacco, was named as the new chairman of Rio Tinto, a mining giant.英美烟草集团现任主席杜立石(JanduPlessis)被任命为矿业巨头力拓(RioTinto)的新一任主席。

6.Cambridge University in the UK is reported to have once refused a gift of 300 milpon pounds from British American Tobacco.据报道,英国剑桥大学就曾拒绝了一笔来自于英美烟草的3亿英镑的捐赠。

7.The British-American Tobacco Co. on the left was rebuilt to the Epzabeth House in 1977.左方的英美烟草公司于1977年改建为伊利莎白大厦。

8.The case is British American Tobacco Austrapa Ltd. v. Secretary, Department of Health and Ageing.此案是英美烟草澳大利亚有限公司诉卫生和老龄部秘书长案件。

9.It competes with British American Tobacco Plc's Pall Mall brand, and Imperial Tobacco Group Plc's JPS cigarettes.这个品牌与英美烟草公司的波迈牌卷烟及帝国烟草公司的JPS牌卷烟进行竞争。

10.But the powerful British American Tobacco company, BAT, has challenged the law in court.但是强大的英美烟草公司,已经在法庭上对法律表示质疑。