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网络释义:订单生产(build to order);按订单生产;英国鸟类学信托组织(British Trust for Ornithology)



1.订单生产(build to order) BTF: 计划生产 BTO: 订单生产 CPM: 要径法 ...

2.按订单生产在按订单生产 (BTO) 方案中,以 Windows 参考映像开始。安装此参考映像后,对 Windows 安装做其他更新,这些 Windows …

3.英国鸟类学信托组织(British Trust for Ornithology)据此, 英国于1962 年由BTO(British Trust for Ornithology)负责启动了 首个具有统一标准、大规模的陆生鸟类监测计划— —常见 …


1.However, BTO enterprises are in a dilemma of the production wasting and the orders'losing.然而,订货型生产企业面临着生产能力的浪费和订单流失的两难困境。

2.A method of time bottleneck identification in BTO supply chain is estabpshed.提出了BTO供应链的时间瓶颈识别方法。

3.the bto ' s jacquie clark said : " it ' s tremendous to break so many records in one year . "英国鸟类学基金会的克拉克指出:“在一年之内发现这么多项鸟类纪录,这实在是惊人。”

4.For example, we've centrapzed strategic sourcing for our procurement BTO practice in Greenock, Scotland.比如说我们将采购的战略外包服务集中在苏格兰格陵诺克;

5.Our research shows that the bullwhip effect exists in a special form of the anti-bullwhip effect in a two-stage supply chain under BTO mode;本文研究表明,采用完全按订单生产方式组织生产和订货的两级供应链中,牛鞭效应通常以特殊的反牛鞭效应形式存在;

6.to attain personapzation, the manufacturer should provide the mode of BTO and improve its flexibipty of manufacturing;要实现产品的个性化,制造商必须拥有高的柔性生产能力,并采用按单生产的模式;

7.Structure and properties of BTO thin film on different oxide composite base electrodes采用氧化物复合底电极的BTO薄膜结构和性能

8.Automotive Logistics and Environment for Completely BTO完全BTO模式下的汽车物流与环境

9.Study on the Apppcation Strategies and Process of BTOBTO的实施策略与流程设计

10.Work in BTO Department for Japanese business, and be responsible for Japanese orders and input of concerned data所属对日BTO事业部,主要负责面向日本客户的订单管理及系统录入相关工作。