


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.〈英(=National Physical Laboratory)国家物理实验所

网络释义:不良贷款(non-performing loan);不良债权(Non-performing loans);不良资产


abbr.1.〈英〉(=National Physical Laboratory)国家物理实验所

abbr.1.<BrE>(=National Physical Laboratory)

1.不良贷款(non-performing loan)  不良贷款NPL)市场尤为困难,因为这些贷款的收购方,必须利用中国不太稳固的法律体系,从借贷者手中收回资金。这些 …

2.不良债权(Non-performing loans)国内不良债权NPL)市场急冻,去年以前,NPL市场每年都有约2,000亿元的债权规模释出,但今年以来市场大案仅有年初宝 …

3.不良资产  在境外对华不良资产(NPL)投资降温的背景下,昨天,国家发改委与外汇局对外资投资中国不良资产的行为设定颇为“严厉”的门 …

4.不良贷款率由于不良贷款率NPL)水平的不同,银行拨备达标时贷款拨备率(PTL)和拨备覆盖率(PTN)可能存在不同的组合。经过简 …


1.Once a site on the NPL has been selected for remediation, a formal process must be followed to determine and implement appropriate actions.一旦适用NPL的检测站选择了补救,其正式进程就必须伴随着决定和实施合适的行动。

2.It exists differences of NPL factors in terms of the loan amount we call large or small.而大额贷款企业和小额贷款企业不良贷款发生概率的影响因素有区别。

3.The result shows that reinvestment return and loss rate are the key factors to the disposal of the NPL.研究表明,再投资回报率和不良贷款处置损失率是影响银行处置其不良贷款的主要因素。

4.The trouble is that reported NPL numbers are neither much of a guide to asset quapty nor to the judgment of loan officers at Chinese banks.可问题是,财报中给出的不良贷款率数字在很大程度上既揭示不出银行的资产质量,也揭示不出银行信贷部管理者的相关判断。

5.This work is part of the project 'Multiscale measurements in biophysical systems' which is funded by NPL's Strategic Research programme.这项工作是“生物物理学系统多尺度测量”项目的一部分,项目资金来自于NPL的战略研究规划。

6.Orient Asset Management, one of Cinda's peers, is also expected to issue NPL-backed securities in the coming weeks.另一家资产管理公司——中国东方资产管理公司(ChinaOrientAssetManagement)预计也将在未来几周内发行不良贷款支持证券。

7.Now the NPL problem becomes the main obstacle for China's financial system and macro-economy.不良资产问题已经成为我国金融系统和经济健康运行的巨大障碍。

8.AMC will adapt suitable measures to specific conditions in NPL and collateral disposition.AMC也会适应相应措施具体情况不良资产项目和抵押品的性格。

9.At present, our commercial banks' higher non-performing loans(NPL) have become a big hidden danger for our economic healthy development.目前我国银行业较高的不良贷款率己成为阻碍我国经济健康发展的巨大隐患。

10.At present, writing-off NPL in the joint stock reform of some the large national commercial banks has reached a station.目前,部分国有大型商业银行股份制改造处置不良贷款已经告一段落,资产质量和财务状况得到明显改善。