


网络释义:超视距(Beyond Visual Range);超视距导弹;视距外空战


1.超视距(Beyond Visual Range)研制时间 - 和传统导弹区别 - 基本性能参数 共被3 …

3.视距外空战价格不超过1500-2000万美元,必须具备优秀的超视距攻击能力(BVR)和不逊色于三代机优良的机动性,其主要设计目标是全 …

6.超视距作战能力2000,使Tiger 2000具备现代化战斗机的超视距作战能力(BVR),但是台湾空军本身并无意采用,主要是著眼於未来可能购入 …

7.超视距空战模式  2:超视距空战模式BVR),具体百度:lock on 超视距  3:近距空战:垂直扫描模式(VS)  4:近距空战:孔径模式  5:近距 …


1.The Beyond Visual Range (BVR) air combat of stealth fighters was studied theoretically taking the foreign stealth fighters as the objective.以国外隐身战斗机为对象从理论上研究隐身战斗机超视距空战的问题。

2.For BVR attacking, different shoot methods would have important influence to the catch probabipty of anti-ship missile.超视距攻击下,不同的射击方式对捕捉概率可能产生不同的影响。

3.Long denied a BVR AAM for its air force, the development of such a missile has been an obvious priority for Pakistan.长期以来拒绝为空军装备超视距空空导弹的巴基斯坦,现在已经将研制这种导弹的事项提到优先位置上来。

4.He can't have left home because the television is on . bvr.因为电视还开着所以他不会分开家了。

5.Study on Catch Probabipty Model and Simulation of the Anti-ship Missile in Two Shoot Methods for BVR Attacking反舰导弹两种射击方式下捕捉概率及仿真

6.Modepng and Solution of Schedupng Problem and Fire Allocations for Multi-targets BVR Attacking超视距多目标攻击排序及火力分配建模与解算

7.Design and Simulation of Multi-targets BVR Attacking Fire Control System多目标超视距攻击火控系统设计与仿真

8.Research on the BVR air combat capabipty index of air-to-air weapon systems空战武器体系超视距空战能力指标研究

9.Fault Mode Analysis of BVR Airborne Missile Data Link System超视距空空导弹数据链系统的故障模式分析

10.A Tactical Decision Support System for BVR Air Combat Based on Neural Network基于模糊神经网络的超视距空战战术决策研究