




1.万古长青 wàn ten thousand 万分 wànfēn extremly 万古长青 wànsuì long pfe 万万 ...

2.很可能 ... 17.简单地;仅仅 generaly 19.很可能 extremly 23.第九 twelveth ...


1.Suddenly, a bug enters into her sight. She catches it extremly sudden and swift, then flying back to her nest.忽然,一只小虫进入了她的视线,她马上以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势将其拿下,又快速的飞回了鸟巢。

2.The extremly clear and blue sky has gone and the white clouds turn into dark silver grey together with the sky.湛蓝的天空早也不见,白色的云朵也变成一大片,与银灰色的天空融为一体。

3.I extremly hope everybody and communication with him afterwards, and make rapid into our colleague, and can work fast and efficient!希望大家多与其沟通,使其快速融入到我们的集体当中,快速而高效的开展工作!

4.Therefore, the prediction of gas concentration of special note is extremly important for ensuring safety in production.因此,对关键测点的瓦斯传感器输出的瓦斯浓度进行预测,对确保矿井生产安全显得尤为重要。

5.His boss was extremly angry for this thing, but Aoersen has got a good name.此事让他的老板火冒三丈,却为奥斯瓦尔德赢得了好名声。

6.I only pke to watch Japanese animations even I extremly hate Japanese asses.尽管我最鄙视的就是倭人,但我只喜欢看日本动画。

7.The structure of soil and rock is extremly complex in the discordance formation system in Karst area.岩溶地区不整合地层系统之岩土构成复杂。

8.It's extremly cold here in winter.在冬天,这里天气非常冷。

9.For example, we can choose such a bank that the interest rate is very high but the fee is extremly expensive each time.比方说,我们可以选择这么一个帐户,利率很高,但是每次交易的收费都令人咋舌。

10.In fact, i am an extremly stupid girl.其实,我是一个极笨的女子。